TProfileHelper Class Reference

#include <TProfileHelper.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename T>
static void Add (T *p, const TH1 *h1, const TH1 *h2, Double_t c1, Double_t c2=1)
template<typename T>
static Double_t GetBinEffectiveEntries (T *p, Int_t bin)
template<typename T>
static Long64_t Merge (T *p, TCollection *list)
template<typename T>
static TRebinAxis (T *p, Double_t x, TAxis *axis)
template<typename T>
static void Scale (T *p, Double_t c1, Option_t *option)
template<typename T>
static void Sumw2 (T *p)
template<typename T>
static void LabelsDeflate (T *p, Option_t *)
template<typename T>
static void LabelsInflate (T *p, Option_t *)
template<typename T>
static Double_t GetBinError (T *p, Int_t bin)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 30 of file TProfileHelper.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T>
void TProfileHelper::Add ( T p,
const TH1 h1,
const TH1 h2,
Double_t  c1,
Double_t  c2 = 1 
) [static]

Definition at line 62 of file TProfileHelper.h.

References TMath::Abs(), Error, h1, h2, i, if(), TH1::kNstat, p1(), p2(), s1, s2, and T.

Referenced by TProfile::Add(), TProfile2D::Add(), and TProfile3D::Add().

template<typename T>
Double_t TProfileHelper::GetBinEffectiveEntries ( T p,
Int_t  bin 
) [static]

Definition at line 117 of file TProfileHelper.h.

Referenced by TProfile2D::GetBinEffectiveEntries(), TProfile3D::GetBinEffectiveEntries(), and TProfile::GetBinEffectiveEntries().

template<typename T>
Long64_t TProfileHelper::Merge ( T p,
TCollection list 
) [static]

Definition at line 141 of file TProfileHelper.h.

References TList::Add(), TCollection::AddAll(), b, Error, TAxis::GetNbins(), TAxis::GetXmax(), TAxis::GetXmin(), h, i, TCollection::IsEmpty(), TH1::kCanRebin, kFALSE, TH1::kNstat, kTRUE, Long64_t, nentries, o, R__ASSERT, TList::Remove(), TIter::Reset(), TAxis::Set(), and T.

Referenced by TProfile2D::Merge(), TProfile3D::Merge(), and TProfile::Merge().

template<typename T>
T * TProfileHelper::RebinAxis ( T p,
Double_t  x,
TAxis axis 
) [static]

Definition at line 333 of file TProfileHelper.h.

References axis, TNamed::Clone(), TH1::kCanRebin, T, xmax, and xmin.

Referenced by TProfile2D::RebinAxis(), TProfile3D::RebinAxis(), and TProfile::RebinAxis().

template<typename T>
void TProfileHelper::Scale ( T p,
Double_t  c1,
Option_t option 
) [static]

Definition at line 391 of file TProfileHelper.h.

References TMath::Abs().

Referenced by TProfile3D::Scale(), TProfile2D::Scale(), and TProfile::Scale().

template<typename T>
void TProfileHelper::Sumw2 ( T p  )  [static]

Definition at line 408 of file TProfileHelper.h.

References Warning().

Referenced by TProfile2D::Sumw2(), TProfile3D::Sumw2(), and TProfile::Sumw2().

template<typename T>
void TProfileHelper::LabelsDeflate ( T p,
) [static]

Definition at line 433 of file TProfileHelper.h.

References axis, TNamed::Clone(), Error, nbins, T, xmax, and xmin.

Referenced by TProfile2D::LabelsDeflate(), and TProfile::LabelsDeflate().

template<typename T>
void TProfileHelper::LabelsInflate ( T p,
) [static]

Definition at line 494 of file TProfileHelper.h.

References axis, TNamed::Clone(), nbins, T, xmax, and xmin.

Referenced by TProfile::LabelsInflate(), and TProfile2D::LabelsInflate().

template<typename T>
Double_t TProfileHelper::GetBinError ( T p,
Int_t  bin 
) [static]

Definition at line 545 of file TProfileHelper.h.

References TMath::Abs(), i, kERRORMEAN, kERRORSPREAD, kERRORSPREADG, kERRORSPREADI, TMath::Sqrt(), and test().

Referenced by TProfile::GetBinError(), TProfile2D::GetBinError(), and TProfile3D::GetBinError().

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