v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TGo4DynamicEntryStatus

Uses of TGo4DynamicEntryStatus in Go4Analysis

Methods in Go4Analysis with parameters of type TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
Bool_tTGo4Analysis.SetDynamicEntryStatus(const Text_t* name, TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state, const Text_t* listname)
          Set dynamic entry of name "name" to the values specified by external
dynamic entry status "state".
Bool_tTGo4AnalysisObjectManager.SetDynamicEntryStatus(const Text_t* name, TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state, const Text_t* listname)
          Set dynamic entry of name "name" to the values specified by external
dynamic entry status "state".

Uses of TGo4DynamicEntryStatus in Go4CommandsAnalysis

Fields in Go4CommandsAnalysis declared as TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
private TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*TGo4ComSetDynamicEntry.fxEntryStatus

Methods in Go4CommandsAnalysis that return TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
const TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*TGo4ComSetDynamicEntry.GetEntryStatus()
          Access to the status object

Methods in Go4CommandsAnalysis with parameters of type TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
voidTGo4ComSetDynamicEntry.SetEntryStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
          Set the dynamic entry status.

Uses of TGo4DynamicEntryStatus in Go4DynamicList

Subinterfaces of TGo4DynamicEntryStatus in Go4DynamicList
interface TGo4DynamicListStatus
          Status of a dynamic list.
interface TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
          Status object which contains the names of the object and the corresponding
indices/conditions in the dynamic list entry.
interface TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
          Status object for a tree histogram entry of the
dynamic list.

Methods in Go4DynamicList that return TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
          Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*TGo4DynamicList.CreateEntryStatus(const Text_t* name)
          Creates an entry status object for entry of name and returns it.
          Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
          Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
          Create a status object containing information such as the object names.

Methods in Go4DynamicList with parameters of type TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
voidTGo4DynamicEntry.SetStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
          Set this dynamic entry to the values of status object state.
protected voidTGo4DynamicEntry.UpdateStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
          Update the status object containing information such as the object names.
virtual Bool_tTGo4DynamicList.SetEntryStatus(const Text_t* name, TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
          Set dynamic entry of name to the given entry status.
virtual voidTGo4DynamicList.SetStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
          Set this dynamic entry to the values of status object state.
private voidTGo4DynamicList.UpdateStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
          Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
virtual voidTGo4HistogramEntry.SetStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
          Set this dynamic entry to the values of status object state.
private voidTGo4HistogramEntry.UpdateStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
          Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
virtual voidTGo4TreeHistogramEntry.SetStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
          Set this dynamic entry to the values of status object state.
private voidTGo4TreeHistogramEntry.UpdateStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
          method needed by method
CreateStatus of any status subclasses to
set the values of the clienttask specific
part of the status object.

Uses of TGo4DynamicEntryStatus in Go4GUI

Fields in Go4GUI declared as TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
private TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*TGo4EditDynEntryStatus.fxEntryStatus
          local copy of the edited entry status

Methods in Go4GUI that return TGo4DynamicEntryStatus

Methods in Go4GUI with parameters of type TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
voidTGo4EditDynEntryStatus.UpdateEntry(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* source)
          update internal entry status object from source which was sent from analysis.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
