v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TGo4EventElement

Uses of TGo4EventElement in Go4Analysis

Fields in Go4Analysis declared as TGo4EventElement
private TGo4EventElement*TGo4Analysis.fxSampleEvent
          this holds event sample for the SingleEventTree.
private TGo4EventElement*TGo4AnalysisStep.fxInputEvent
          points to the last input event delivered from the event source
private TGo4EventElement*TGo4AnalysisStep.fxOutputEvent
          The unpacked event (detector) structure that has been filled by the
analysis step .
private TGo4EventElement*TGo4AnalysisStepManager.fxOutputEvent
          Link to the last output event produced by the event analysis steps.

Methods in Go4Analysis that return TGo4EventElement
TGo4EventElement*TGo4Analysis.GetEventStructure(const Text_t* name)
          Search reference to event stucture in folder.
TGo4EventElement*TGo4Analysis.GetInputEvent(const char * stepname)
          Returns the input event structure of analysis step.
TGo4EventElement*TGo4Analysis.GetInputEvent(Int_t stepindex)
          Returns the input event structure of analysis step.
          Returns the output event (detector) structure of analysis step.
TGo4EventElement*TGo4Analysis.GetOutputEvent(const char * stepname)
          Returns the output event (detector) structure of analysis step.
TGo4EventElement*TGo4Analysis.GetOutputEvent(Int_t stepindex)
          Returns the output event (detector) structure of analysis step.
TGo4EventElement*TGo4AnalysisObjectManager.GetEventStructure(const Text_t* name)
          Search reference to event stucture in folder.
          Access to the input event of this step.
          Access to the output event which has been filled last.
TGo4EventElement*TGo4AnalysisStepManager.GetInputEvent(const char * stepname)
          Returns the input event structure of analysis step.
TGo4EventElement*TGo4AnalysisStepManager.GetInputEvent(Int_t stepindex)
          Returns the input event structure of analysis step.
          Returns the output event (detector) structure of analysis step.
TGo4EventElement*TGo4AnalysisStepManager.GetOutputEvent(const char * stepname)
          Returns the output event (detector) structure of analysis step.
TGo4EventElement*TGo4AnalysisStepManager.GetOutputEvent(Int_t stepindex)
          Returns the output event (detector) structure of analysis step.

Methods in Go4Analysis with parameters of type TGo4EventElement
private Bool_tTGo4Analysis.AddEventStructure(TGo4EventElement* ev)
          Add reference to event structure object to Go4 Folder structure.
private TTree*TGo4Analysis.CreateSingleEventTree(TGo4EventElement* event)
          Create a tree that is filled with one single event sample.
private Bool_tTGo4Analysis.RemoveEventStructure(TGo4EventElement* ev)
          Remove reference to event structure from go4 folder structure.
private voidTGo4Analysis.SetOutputEvent(TGo4EventElement* event)
          Sets the current output event (detector) structure.
Bool_tTGo4AnalysisObjectManager.AddEventStructure(TGo4EventElement* ev)
          Add reference to event structure object to Go4 Folder structure.
Bool_tTGo4AnalysisObjectManager.RemoveEventStructure(TGo4EventElement* ev)
          Remove reference to event structure from go4 folder structure.
voidTGo4AnalysisStep.SetInputEvent(TGo4EventElement* in)
          Sets reference to external input event.
voidTGo4AnalysisStepManager.SetOutputEvent(TGo4EventElement* event)

Uses of TGo4EventElement in Go4DynamicList

Fields in Go4DynamicList declared as TGo4EventElement
private TGo4EventElement* [2]TGo4DynamicEntry.fxConEvent
          Array of pointers to the event structure that
contains the data for the condition test.
private TGo4EventElement* [3]TGo4HistogramEntry.fxHisEvent
          Array of pointers to the events containing the data to be filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.

Methods in Go4DynamicList with parameters of type TGo4EventElement
voidTGo4DynamicEntry.CleanupEvent(TGo4EventElement* ev)
          If event ev matches one internal event, the
reference to event will be reset to 0.
virtual voidTGo4DynamicList.CleanupEvent(TGo4EventElement* ev)
          If event ev matches one internal event, the
reference to event will be reset to 0.
virtual voidTGo4HistogramEntry.CleanupEvent(TGo4EventElement* ev)
          If event ev matches one internal event, the
reference to event will be reset to 0.

Uses of TGo4EventElement in Go4Event

Subinterfaces of TGo4EventElement in Go4Event
interface TGo4ClonesElement
interface TGo4CompositeEvent
          Base type for object composition

Fields in Go4Event declared as TGo4EventElement
private TGo4EventElement*TGo4EventElement.fxParent
          The higher level event element that owns this instance
private TGo4EventElement*TGo4EventProcessor.fxInputEvent

Methods in Go4Event that return TGo4EventElement
TGo4EventElement*TGo4CompositeEvent.getEventElement(const char * name, Int_t final)
TGo4EventElement*TGo4CompositeEvent.getEventElement(Int_t idx)
synchronized TGo4EventElement&TGo4CompositeEvent.operator[](Int_t i)
const TGo4EventElement*TGo4EventElement.GetParent()
synchronized TGo4EventElement&TGo4EventElement.operator[](Int_t )
abstract TGo4EventElement*TGo4EventFactory.CreateInputEvent()
abstract TGo4EventElement*TGo4EventFactory.CreateOutputEvent()
          Access to external raw event which is set as association member.
TGo4EventElement*TGo4EventProcessor.GetInputEvent(const Text_t* stepname)
          Returns the input event structure of analysis step.
TGo4EventElement*TGo4EventProcessor.GetOutputEvent(const Text_t* stepname)
          Returns the output event structure of analysis step.

Methods in Go4Event with parameters of type TGo4EventElement
voidTGo4CompositeEvent.addEventElement(TGo4EventElement* aElement, Int_t reading)
voidTGo4EventElement.SetParent(TGo4EventElement* par)
          Setter for the parent event structure reference.
voidTGo4EventProcessor.SetInputEvent(TGo4EventElement* raw)
          Sets reference to external raw event which is used by
the concrete processor to unpack the interesting
Int_tTGo4EventStore.Store(TGo4EventElement* event)
          Stores eventelement event into the storage implementation.

Uses of TGo4EventElement in Go4EventServer

Subinterfaces of TGo4EventElement in Go4EventServer
interface TGo4MbsEvent
          Wrapper for the standard gsi event structure as
deliverd from mbs.
interface TGo4MbsSubEvent
          Subevent class for gsi mbs data.

Fields in Go4EventServer declared as TGo4EventElement
private TGo4EventElement*TGo4BackStore.fxEvent
          Points to event structure to be filled into branch.
private TGo4EventElement*TGo4EventServerFactory.fxEvent
          remember pointer to output event for tree store ctor
private TGo4EventElement*TGo4FileStore.fxEvent
          Points to event structure to be filled into branch.
private TGo4EventElement*TGo4TreeStore.fxEvent
          Points to event structure to be filled into branch.

Constructors in Go4EventServer with parameters of type TGo4EventElement
TGo4TreeStore.TGo4TreeStore(const char * name, TGo4EventElement* event, Int_t splitlevel, Int_t bufsize, Text_t* filename, Int_t compression)
TGo4TreeStore.TGo4TreeStore(TGo4TreeStoreParameter* par, TGo4EventElement* event)

Methods in Go4EventServer that return TGo4EventElement
virtual TGo4EventElement*TGo4EventServerFactory.CreateInputEvent()
abstract TGo4EventElement*TGo4EventServerFactory.CreateOutputEvent()
virtual TGo4EventElement*TGo4StepFactory.CreateInputEvent()
virtual TGo4EventElement*TGo4StepFactory.CreateOutputEvent()

Methods in Go4EventServer with parameters of type TGo4EventElement
virtual Int_tTGo4BackStore.Store(TGo4EventElement* event)
          Stores eventelement event into the storage implementation.
voidTGo4EventServerFactory.SetOutputEvent(TGo4EventElement* eve)
          For usersubclass: set pointer to user output event.
Bool_tTGo4FileSource.BuildEvent(TGo4EventElement* dest)
          Fill the destination event dest from the tree.
virtual Int_tTGo4FileStore.Store(TGo4EventElement* event)
          Stores eventelement event into the storage implementation.
Bool_tTGo4TreeSource.BuildEvent(TGo4EventElement* dest)
          Fill the destination event dest from the tree.
virtual Int_tTGo4TreeStore.Store(TGo4EventElement* event)
          Stores eventelement event into the storage implementation.

Uses of TGo4EventElement in Go4EventServerExample

Subinterfaces of TGo4EventElement in Go4EventServerExample
interface TGo4SimpleEvent
          Simple Event structure containing a fixed size TClonesArray of subevents.
interface TGo4SimpleSubEvent

Uses of TGo4EventElement in Go4Example1Step

Subinterfaces of TGo4EventElement in Go4Example1Step
interface TXXXEvent

Uses of TGo4EventElement in Go4Example2Step

Subinterfaces of TGo4EventElement in Go4Example2Step
interface TXXXAnlEvent
interface TXXXUnpackEvent

Methods in Go4Example2Step that return TGo4EventElement
virtual TGo4EventElement*TXXXAnlFact.CreateInputEvent()
virtual TGo4EventElement*TXXXAnlFact.CreateOutputEvent()
virtual TGo4EventElement*TXXXUnpackFact.CreateOutputEvent()

Uses of TGo4EventElement in Go4ExampleMesh

Subinterfaces of TGo4EventElement in Go4ExampleMesh
interface TMeshB12OutputEvent
interface TMeshB1InputEvent
interface TMeshB1OutputEvent
interface TMeshB2InputEvent
interface TMeshB2OutputEvent
interface TMeshB3InputEvent
interface TMeshB3OutputEvent
interface TMeshDummyEvent
          The only purpose for this class is to trigger the method of
the corresponding provider processor to get the correct event
pointer from framework.
interface TMeshFinalEvent
interface TMeshRawEvent

Uses of TGo4EventElement in Go4ExampleUserSource

Subinterfaces of TGo4EventElement in Go4ExampleUserSource
interface TYYYRawEvent
          Example for user defined raw event class.
interface TYYYUnpackEvent

Methods in Go4ExampleUserSource that return TGo4EventElement
virtual TGo4EventElement*TYYYUnpackFact.CreateInputEvent()
virtual TGo4EventElement*TYYYUnpackFact.CreateOutputEvent()

Uses of TGo4EventElement in Go4GUI

Fields in Go4GUI declared as TGo4EventElement
private TGo4EventElement*TGo4EventInfoStatus.fxEvent
          Event sample without a tree

Methods in Go4GUI that return TGo4EventElement

Methods in Go4GUI with parameters of type TGo4EventElement
private QListViewItem*TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots.MapEvent(QListViewItem* parent, TFile* file, TTree* tree, TGo4EventElement* elem, TObjArray* ListOfBranches, TArrayC* UsageOfBarnches)
voidTGo4EventInfoStatus.SetEvent(TGo4EventElement* eve)
          store eventsample directly

Uses of TGo4EventElement in Go4StatusAnalysis

Constructors in Go4StatusAnalysis with parameters of type TGo4EventElement
TGo4EventStatus.TGo4EventStatus(TGo4EventElement* ev)

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
