v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4FitSlot

Uses of TGo4FitSlot in Go4Fit

Fields in Go4Fit declared as TGo4FitSlot
protected TGo4FitSlotTGo4FitDataGraph.fxGraph
          Slot to for TGraph object.
protected TGo4FitSlotTGo4FitDataHistogram.fxHistogram
          Slot for storing pointer on TH1 object
protected TGo4FitSlotTGo4FitDataProfile.fxProfile
          Slot for TProfile object.
protected TGo4FitSlotTGo4FitDataRidge.fxData
          Slot for TGo4FitData object.
protected TGo4FitSlotTGo4FitModelFromData.fxData
          Slot for TGo4FitData object, which is used as model component.

Methods in Go4Fit that return TGo4FitSlot
TGo4FitSlot*TGo4FitData.GetAxisTransSlot(Int_t nslot)
          Return slot for transformation object.
const TGo4FitSlot*TGo4FitSlot.GetConnectedSlot()
          Returns pointer to connected slot or 0, if not connected
TGo4FitSlot*TGo4FitSlotList.FindSlot(const char * FullSlotName)
          Find slot in list with given full name;
TGo4FitSlot*TGo4FitSlotList.GetSlot(Int_t nslot)
          Returns slots from list with specified index
TGo4FitSlot*TGo4FitSlotList.IsObjectInSlots(TObject* obj)
          Checks, if object assign to one of slots.
TGo4FitSlot*TGo4FitSlotList.SetObject(const char * PlaceName, TObject* obj, Bool_t iOwned)
          Set object to first suitable slot, which have PlaceName name or owner of which
has PlaceName full name with defined ownership flag.
TGo4FitSlot*TGo4FitSlotList.SetObject(TObject* obj, Bool_t iOwned)
          Set object to first suitable slot with defined ownership flag.

Methods in Go4Fit with parameters of type TGo4FitSlot
Bool_tTGo4FitSlot.CanConnectToSlot(TGo4FitSlot* slot)
          Checks, if slot can be connected to other
Bool_tTGo4FitSlot.ConnectToSlot(TGo4FitSlot* slot)
          Connect this slot to provided slot.
voidTGo4FitSlotList.ClearSlot(TGo4FitSlot* slot, Bool_t NonOwned)
          Clear object in specified slot.
Bool_tTGo4FitSlotList.ConnectSlots(TGo4FitSlot* slot1, TGo4FitSlot* slot2)
          Connects first slot to second.

Uses of TGo4FitSlot in Go4FitGUI

Fields in Go4FitGUI declared as TGo4FitSlot
private TGo4FitSlot*TGo4FitSlotStatus.fxSlot

Constructors in Go4FitGUI with parameters of type TGo4FitSlot
TGo4FitSlotStatus.TGo4FitSlotStatus(TGo4FitSlot* )

Methods in Go4FitGUI that return TGo4FitSlot

Methods in Go4FitGUI with parameters of type TGo4FitSlot
voidTGo4FitPanelSlots.ExecutePopupForSlot(QFitItem* item, TGo4FitSlot* slot, int id)
boolTGo4FitPanelSlots.FillPopupForSlot(TGo4FitSlot* slot, QPopupMenu* menu)
private TGo4FitSlotStatus*TGo4FitPanelSlots.FindSlotStatusForSlot(TGo4FitSlot* slot)
voidTGo4FitPanelSlots.Wiz_GetSlotSourceInfo(TGo4FitSlot* slot, QString* info)

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
