v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4Picture

Uses of TGo4Picture in Go4Analysis

Methods in Go4Analysis that return TGo4Picture
TGo4Picture*TGo4Analysis.GetPicture(const Text_t* name)
          Retrieves a picture object by name from the object folder.
TGo4Picture*TGo4AnalysisObjectManager.GetPicture(const Text_t* name)
          Retrieves a picture object by name from the object folder.

Methods in Go4Analysis with parameters of type TGo4Picture
Bool_tTGo4Analysis.AddPicture(TGo4Picture* pic, const Text_t* subfolder)
          Puts a new picture object in corresponding folder.
Bool_tTGo4Analysis.SetPicture(const Text_t* name, TGo4Picture* pic)
          Set existing picture of name to the values
of external picture object pic.
Bool_tTGo4AnalysisObjectManager.AddPicture(TGo4Picture* pic, const Text_t* subfolder)
          Puts a new picture object in corresponding folder.
Bool_tTGo4AnalysisObjectManager.SetPicture(const Text_t* name, TGo4Picture* pic, TFolder* parent)
          Set existing picture of name to the values
of external picture object pic.

Uses of TGo4Picture in Go4CommandsAnalysis

Fields in Go4CommandsAnalysis declared as TGo4Picture
private TGo4Picture*TGo4ComSetPicture.fxPicture
          The picture to be set.

Methods in Go4CommandsAnalysis with parameters of type TGo4Picture
voidTGo4ComSetPicture.SetPicture(TGo4Picture* par)

Uses of TGo4Picture in Go4Event

Methods in Go4Event that return TGo4Picture
TGo4Picture*TGo4EventProcessor.GetPicture(const Text_t* name)
          Get picture from go4 framework.

Methods in Go4Event with parameters of type TGo4Picture
Bool_tTGo4EventProcessor.AddPicture(TGo4Picture* pic, const Text_t* subfolder)
          Register picture to go4 framework.

Uses of TGo4Picture in Go4Example1Step

Fields in Go4Example1Step declared as TGo4Picture
private TGo4Picture*TXXXProc.fcondSet
private TGo4Picture*TXXXProc.fPicture

Uses of TGo4Picture in Go4Example2Step

Fields in Go4Example2Step declared as TGo4Picture
private TGo4Picture*TXXXUnpackProc.fcondSet
private TGo4Picture*TXXXUnpackProc.Picture1

Uses of TGo4Picture in Go4QtBaseWidgets

Methods in Go4QtBaseWidgets that return TGo4Picture
protected TGo4Picture*TGo4QPicItem.GetPic()

Methods in Go4QtBaseWidgets with parameters of type TGo4Picture
protected voidTGo4QPicItem.DrawSubPic(TGo4PreviewPanel* panel, TPad* pad, TGo4Picture* pic)
protected voidTGo4QPicItem.ScanPictureForObjRef(TGo4Picture* pic, bool tomonitor)

Uses of TGo4Picture in Go4StatusAnalysis

Constructors in Go4StatusAnalysis with parameters of type TGo4Picture
TGo4PictureStatus.TGo4PictureStatus(TGo4Picture* par)

Uses of TGo4Picture in Go4StatusBase

Constructors in Go4StatusBase with parameters of type TGo4Picture
TGo4Picture.TGo4Picture(TGo4Picture& picture)

Methods in Go4StatusBase that return TGo4Picture
TGo4Picture*TGo4Picture.FindPic(Int_t posy, Int_t posx)
TGo4Picture*TGo4Picture.LPic(Int_t nline, Int_t ncol)
synchronized TGo4Picture&TGo4Picture.operator()(int posy, int posx)
TGo4Picture*TGo4Picture.Pic(Int_t posy, Int_t posx)

Methods in Go4StatusBase with parameters of type TGo4Picture
protected voidTGo4Picture.AddSubPicture(TGo4Picture* pic)
voidTGo4Picture.UpdateFrom(TGo4Picture* source, TClass* selectedobjclass)
voidTGo4Picture.UpdateObjectsContentFrom(TGo4Picture* source, TVirtualPad* pad)

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
