gl2ps.cxx File Reference

#include "gl2ps.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <float.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  _GL2PSbsptree2d
struct  GL2PSlist
struct  _GL2PSbsptree
struct  GL2PSvertex
struct  GL2PStriangle
struct  GL2PSstring
struct  GL2PSimage
struct  _GL2PSimagemap
struct  GL2PSprimitive
struct  GL2PScompress
struct  GL2PSpdfgroup
struct  GL2PScontext
struct  GL2PSbackend


#define GL2PS_EPSILON   5.0e-3F
#define GL2PS_ZSCALE   1000.0F
#define GL2PS_ZOFFSET   5.0e-2F
#define GL2PS_ZOFFSET_LARGE   20.0F
#define GL2PS_ZERO(arg)   (fabs(arg) < 1.e-20)
#define GL2PS_NO_TYPE   -1
#define GL2PS_TEXT   1
#define GL2PS_POINT   2
#define GL2PS_LINE   3
#define GL2PS_QUADRANGLE   4
#define GL2PS_TRIANGLE   5
#define GL2PS_PIXMAP   6
#define GL2PS_IMAGEMAP   7
#define GL2PS_SPECIAL   10
#define GL2PS_COINCIDENT   1
#define GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF   2
#define GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF   3
#define GL2PS_SPANNING   4
#define GL2PS_POINT_BACK   2
#define GL2PS_END_BLEND_TOKEN   10
#define GL2PS_SRC_BLEND_TOKEN   11
#define GL2PS_DST_BLEND_TOKEN   12
#define GL2PS_TEXT_TOKEN   15


typedef GLfloat GL2PSxyz [3]
typedef GLfloat GL2PSplane [4]
typedef _GL2PSbsptree2d GL2PSbsptree2d
typedef _GL2PSbsptree GL2PSbsptree
typedef _GL2PSimagemap GL2PSimagemap




static GLint gl2psPrintPrimitives (void)
static void gl2psMsg (GLint level, const char *fmt,...)
static void * gl2psMalloc (size_t size)
static void * gl2psRealloc (void *ptr, size_t size)
static void gl2psFree (void *ptr)
static size_t gl2psWriteBigEndian (unsigned long data, size_t bytes)
static int gl2psPrintf (const char *fmt,...)
static void gl2psPrintGzipHeader ()
static void gl2psPrintGzipFooter ()
static void gl2psListRealloc (GL2PSlist *list, GLint n)
static GL2PSlistgl2psListCreate (GLint n, GLint incr, GLint size)
static void gl2psListReset (GL2PSlist *list)
static void gl2psListDelete (GL2PSlist *list)
static void gl2psListAdd (GL2PSlist *list, void *data)
static int gl2psListNbr (GL2PSlist *list)
static void * gl2psListPointer (GL2PSlist *list, GLint index)
static void gl2psListSort (GL2PSlist *list, int(*fcmp)(const void *a, const void *b))
static void gl2psListAction (GL2PSlist *list, void(*action)(void *data))
static void gl2psListActionInverse (GL2PSlist *list, void(*action)(void *data))
static GLboolean gl2psSameColor (GL2PSrgba rgba1, GL2PSrgba rgba2)
static GLboolean gl2psVertsSameColor (const GL2PSprimitive *prim)
static GLboolean gl2psSameColorThreshold (int n, GL2PSrgba rgba[], GL2PSrgba threshold)
static void gl2psSetLastColor (GL2PSrgba rgba)
static GLfloat gl2psGetRGB (GL2PSimage *im, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLfloat *red, GLfloat *green, GLfloat *blue)
static GL2PSimagegl2psCopyPixmap (GL2PSimage *im)
static void gl2psFreePixmap (GL2PSimage *im)
static GLint gl2psAddText (GLint type, const char *str, const char *fontname, GLshort fontsize, GLint alignment, GLfloat angle)
static GL2PSstringgl2psCopyText (GL2PSstring *t)
static void gl2psFreeText (GL2PSstring *text)
static GLboolean gl2psSupportedBlendMode (GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor)
static void gl2psAdaptVertexForBlending (GL2PSvertex *v)
static void gl2psAssignTriangleProperties (GL2PStriangle *t)
static void gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive (GL2PStriangle *t, GL2PSprimitive *p, GLboolean assignprops)
static void gl2psInitTriangle (GL2PStriangle *t)
static GL2PSprimitivegl2psCopyPrimitive (GL2PSprimitive *p)
static GLboolean gl2psSamePosition (GL2PSxyz p1, GL2PSxyz p2)
static GLfloat gl2psComparePointPlane (GL2PSxyz point, GL2PSplane plane)
static GLfloat gl2psPsca (GLfloat *a, GLfloat *b)
static void gl2psPvec (GLfloat *a, GLfloat *b, GLfloat *c)
static GLfloat gl2psNorm (GLfloat *a)
static void gl2psGetNormal (GLfloat *a, GLfloat *b, GLfloat *c)
static void gl2psGetPlane (GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSplane plane)
static void gl2psCutEdge (GL2PSvertex *a, GL2PSvertex *b, GL2PSplane plane, GL2PSvertex *c)
static void gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive (GL2PSprimitive *parent, GL2PSplane plane, GL2PSprimitive *child, GLshort numverts, GLshort *index0, GLshort *index1)
static void gl2psAddIndex (GLshort *index0, GLshort *index1, GLshort *nb, GLshort i, GLshort j)
static GLshort gl2psGetIndex (GLshort i, GLshort num)
static GLint gl2psTestSplitPrimitive (GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSplane plane)
static GLint gl2psSplitPrimitive (GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSplane plane, GL2PSprimitive **front, GL2PSprimitive **back)
static void gl2psDivideQuad (GL2PSprimitive *quad, GL2PSprimitive **t1, GL2PSprimitive **t2)
static int gl2psCompareDepth (const void *a, const void *b)
static int gl2psTrianglesFirst (const void *a, const void *b)
static GLint gl2psFindRoot (GL2PSlist *primitives, GL2PSprimitive **root)
static void gl2psFreeImagemap (GL2PSimagemap *list)
static void gl2psFreePrimitive (void *data)
static void gl2psAddPrimitiveInList (GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSlist *list)
static void gl2psFreeBspTree (GL2PSbsptree **tree)
static GLboolean gl2psGreater (GLfloat f1, GLfloat f2)
static GLboolean gl2psLess (GLfloat f1, GLfloat f2)
static void gl2psBuildBspTree (GL2PSbsptree *tree, GL2PSlist *primitives)
static void gl2psTraverseBspTree (GL2PSbsptree *tree, GL2PSxyz eye, GLfloat epsilon, GLboolean(*compare)(GLfloat f1, GLfloat f2), void(*action)(void *data), int inverse)
static void gl2psRescaleAndOffset ()
static GLint gl2psGetPlaneFromPoints (GL2PSxyz a, GL2PSxyz b, GL2PSplane plane)
static void gl2psFreeBspImageTree (GL2PSbsptree2d **tree)
static GLint gl2psCheckPoint (GL2PSxyz point, GL2PSplane plane)
static void gl2psAddPlanesInBspTreeImage (GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSbsptree2d **tree)
static GLint gl2psCheckPrimitive (GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSplane plane)
static GL2PSprimitivegl2psCreateSplitPrimitive2D (GL2PSprimitive *parent, GLshort numverts, GL2PSvertex *vertx)
static void gl2psSplitPrimitive2D (GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSplane plane, GL2PSprimitive **front, GL2PSprimitive **back)
static GLint gl2psAddInBspImageTree (GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSbsptree2d **tree)
static void gl2psAddInImageTree (void *data)
static void gl2psAddBoundaryInList (GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSlist *list)
static void gl2psBuildPolygonBoundary (GL2PSbsptree *tree)
static void gl2psAddPolyPrimitive (GLshort type, GLshort numverts, GL2PSvertex *verts, GLint offset, GLushort pattern, GLint factor, GLfloat width, char boundary)
static GLint gl2psGetVertex (GL2PSvertex *v, GLfloat *p)
static void gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer (GLint used)
static void gl2psWriteByte (unsigned char byte)
static void gl2psPrintPostScriptPixmap (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GL2PSimage *im)
static void gl2psPrintPostScriptImagemap (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, const unsigned char *imagemap)
static void gl2psPrintPostScriptHeader (void)
static void gl2psPrintPostScriptColor (GL2PSrgba rgba)
static void gl2psResetPostScriptColor (void)
static void gl2psEndPostScriptLine (void)
static void gl2psParseStipplePattern (GLushort pattern, GLint factor, int *nb, int array[10])
static int gl2psPrintPostScriptDash (GLushort pattern, GLint factor, const char *str)
static void gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive (void *data)
static void gl2psPrintPostScriptFooter (void)
static void gl2psPrintPostScriptBeginViewport (GLint viewport[4])
static GLint gl2psPrintPostScriptEndViewport (void)
static void gl2psPrintPostScriptFinalPrimitive (void)
static void gl2psPrintTeXHeader (void)
static void gl2psPrintTeXPrimitive (void *data)
static void gl2psPrintTeXFooter (void)
static void gl2psPrintTeXBeginViewport (GLint[4])
static GLint gl2psPrintTeXEndViewport (void)
static void gl2psPrintTeXFinalPrimitive (void)
static int gl2psPrintPDFCompressorType (void)
static int gl2psPrintPDFStrokeColor (GL2PSrgba rgba)
static int gl2psPrintPDFFillColor (GL2PSrgba rgba)
static int gl2psPrintPDFLineWidth (GLfloat lw)
static void gl2psPutPDFText (GL2PSstring *text, int cnt, GLfloat x, GLfloat y)
static void gl2psPutPDFImage (GL2PSimage *image, int cnt, GLfloat x, GLfloat y)
static void gl2psPDFstacksInit (void)
static void gl2psPDFgroupObjectInit (GL2PSpdfgroup *gro)
static void gl2psPDFgroupListInit (void)
static void gl2psSortOutTrianglePDFgroup (GL2PSpdfgroup *gro)
static void gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream (void)
static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteGStateResources (void)
static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteShaderResources (void)
static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteXObjectResources (void)
static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteFontResources (void)
static void gl2psPDFgroupListDelete (void)
static int gl2psPrintPDFInfo (void)
static int gl2psPrintPDFCatalog (void)
static int gl2psPrintPDFPages (void)
static int gl2psOpenPDFDataStream (void)
static int gl2psOpenPDFDataStreamWritePreface (void)
static void gl2psPrintPDFHeader (void)
static void gl2psPrintPDFPrimitive (void *data)
static int gl2psClosePDFDataStream (void)
static int gl2psPrintPDFDataStreamLength (int val)
static int gl2psPrintPDFOpenPage (void)
static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteVariableResources (void)
static int gl2psPrintPDFGSObject (void)
static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataCoord (GL2PSvertex *vertex, size_t(*action)(unsigned long data, size_t size), GLfloat dx, GLfloat dy, GLfloat xmin, GLfloat ymin)
static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataRGB (GL2PSvertex *vertex, size_t(*action)(unsigned long data, size_t size))
static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataAlpha (GL2PSvertex *vertex, size_t(*action)(unsigned long data, size_t size), int sigbyte)
static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamData (GL2PStriangle *triangle, GLfloat dx, GLfloat dy, GLfloat xmin, GLfloat ymin, size_t(*action)(unsigned long data, size_t size), int gray)
static void gl2psPDFRectHull (GLfloat *xmin, GLfloat *xmax, GLfloat *ymin, GLfloat *ymax, GL2PStriangle *triangles, int cnt)
static int gl2psPrintPDFShader (int obj, GL2PStriangle *triangles, int size, int gray)
static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderMask (int obj, int childobj)
static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderExtGS (int obj, int childobj)
static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderSimpleExtGS (int obj, GLfloat alpha)
static int gl2psPrintPDFPixmapStreamData (GL2PSimage *im, size_t(*action)(unsigned long data, size_t size), int gray)
static int gl2psPrintPDFPixmap (int obj, int childobj, GL2PSimage *im, int gray)
static int gl2psPrintPDFText (int obj, GL2PSstring *s, int fontnumber)
static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects (int entryoffs)
static void gl2psPrintPDFFooter (void)
static void gl2psPrintPDFBeginViewport (GLint viewport[4])
static GLint gl2psPrintPDFEndViewport (void)
static void gl2psPrintPDFFinalPrimitive (void)
static void gl2psSVGGetCoordsAndColors (int n, GL2PSvertex *verts, GL2PSxyz *xyz, GL2PSrgba *rgba)
static void gl2psSVGGetColorString (GL2PSrgba rgba, char str[32])
static void gl2psPrintSVGHeader (void)
static void gl2psPrintSVGSmoothTriangle (GL2PSxyz xyz[3], GL2PSrgba rgba[3])
static void gl2psPrintSVGDash (GLushort pattern, GLint factor)
static void gl2psEndSVGLine (void)
static void gl2psPrintSVGPixmap (GLfloat, GLfloat, GL2PSimage *)
static void gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive (void *data)
static void gl2psPrintSVGFooter (void)
static void gl2psPrintSVGBeginViewport (GLint viewport[4])
static GLint gl2psPrintSVGEndViewport (void)
static void gl2psPrintSVGFinalPrimitive (void)
static void gl2psPrintPGFColor (GL2PSrgba rgba)
static void gl2psPrintPGFHeader (void)
static void gl2psPrintPGFDash (GLushort pattern, GLint factor)
static const char * gl2psPGFTextAlignment (int align)
static void gl2psPrintPGFPrimitive (void *data)
static void gl2psPrintPGFFooter (void)
static void gl2psPrintPGFBeginViewport (GLint viewport[4])
static GLint gl2psPrintPGFEndViewport (void)
static void gl2psPrintPGFFinalPrimitive (void)
static void gl2psComputeTightBoundingBox (void *data)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBeginPage (const char *title, const char *producer, GLint viewport[4], GLint format, GLint sort, GLint options, GLint colormode, GLint colorsize, GL2PSrgba *colormap, GLint nr, GLint ng, GLint nb, GLint buffersize, FILE *stream, const char *filename)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psEndPage (void)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBeginViewport (GLint viewport[4])
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psEndViewport (void)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psTextOpt (const char *str, const char *fontname, GLshort fontsize, GLint alignment, GLfloat angle)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psText (const char *str, const char *fontname, GLshort fontsize)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psSpecial (GLint format, const char *str)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psDrawPixels (GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint xorig, GLint yorig, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *pixels)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psDrawImageMap (GLsizei width, GLsizei height, const GLfloat position[3], const unsigned char *imagemap)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psEnable (GLint mode)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psDisable (GLint mode)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psPointSize (GLfloat value)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psLineWidth (GLfloat value)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBlendFunc (GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psSetOptions (GLint options)
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psGetOptions (GLint *options)
GL2PSDLL_API const char * gl2psGetFileExtension (GLint format)
GL2PSDLL_API const char * gl2psGetFormatDescription (GLint format)


static GL2PScontextgl2ps = NULL
static GL2PSbackend gl2psPS
static GL2PSbackend gl2psEPS
static GL2PSbackend gl2psTEX
static GL2PSbackend gl2psPDF
static GL2PSbackend gl2psSVG
static GL2PSbackend gl2psPGF
static GL2PSbackendgl2psbackends []

Define Documentation


Definition at line 128 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psEnable(), and gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().


Definition at line 122 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psEnable(), and gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().


Definition at line 120 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psEnable(), and gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().


Definition at line 124 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psEnable(), and gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().

#define GL2PS_COINCIDENT   1

Definition at line 107 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAddInBspImageTree(), gl2psBuildBspTree(), gl2psCheckPrimitive(), gl2psSplitPrimitive(), and gl2psTestSplitPrimitive().


Definition at line 133 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psDrawPixels(), and gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().

#define GL2PS_DST_BLEND_TOKEN   12

Definition at line 131 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psBlendFunc(), and gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().

#define GL2PS_END_BLEND_TOKEN   10

Definition at line 129 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psDisable(), and gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().


Definition at line 123 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psDisable(), and gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().


Definition at line 121 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psDisable(), and gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().


Definition at line 125 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psDisable(), and gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().

#define GL2PS_EPSILON   5.0e-3F

Definition at line 85 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psCheckPoint(), gl2psPrintPrimitives(), and gl2psSplitPrimitive().

#define GL2PS_IMAGEMAP   7

Definition at line 100 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAddInBspImageTree(), gl2psAddInImageTree(), gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive(), gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive2D(), gl2psGetPlane(), gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(), and gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive().


Definition at line 132 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psDrawImageMap(), and gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().


Definition at line 102 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAddInImageTree().


Definition at line 101 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive().

#define GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF   3

Definition at line 109 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAddInBspImageTree(), gl2psBuildBspTree(), gl2psCheckPrimitive(), and gl2psSplitPrimitive().

#define GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF   2

Definition at line 108 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAddInBspImageTree(), gl2psBuildBspTree(), gl2psCheckPrimitive(), and gl2psSplitPrimitive().

#define GL2PS_LINE   3

Definition at line 96 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAddBoundaryInList(), gl2psAddInBspImageTree(), gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive(), gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive2D(), gl2psGetPlane(), gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(), gl2psPDFgroupListInit(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(), gl2psPrintPGFPrimitive(), gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive(), gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive(), and gl2psRescaleAndOffset().


Definition at line 127 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psLineWidth(), and gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().

#define GL2PS_NO_TYPE   -1

Definition at line 93 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive(), gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive2D(), and gl2psPDFgroupListInit().

#define GL2PS_PIXMAP   6

Definition at line 99 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAddInBspImageTree(), gl2psCopyPrimitive(), gl2psDrawPixels(), gl2psFreePrimitive(), gl2psGetPlane(), gl2psPDFgroupListInit(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteXObjectResources(), gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive(), and gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive().

#define GL2PS_POINT   2

Definition at line 95 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive(), gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive2D(), gl2psGetPlane(), gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(), gl2psPDFgroupListInit(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(), gl2psPrintPGFPrimitive(), gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive(), gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive(), and gl2psSplitPrimitive().

#define GL2PS_POINT_BACK   2

Definition at line 116 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psCheckPoint(), and gl2psCheckPrimitive().


Definition at line 114 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psCheckPoint().


Definition at line 115 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psCheckPoint(), and gl2psCheckPrimitive().


Definition at line 126 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(), and gl2psPointSize().

#define GL2PS_QUADRANGLE   4

Definition at line 97 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAddPrimitiveInList(), gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive(), gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive2D(), gl2psGetPlane(), gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive(), and gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive().

#define GL2PS_SPANNING   4

Definition at line 110 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAddInBspImageTree(), gl2psBuildBspTree(), gl2psCheckPrimitive(), and gl2psSplitPrimitive().

#define GL2PS_SPECIAL   10

Definition at line 103 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAddInBspImageTree(), gl2psCopyPrimitive(), gl2psFreePrimitive(), gl2psGetPlane(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(), gl2psPrintPGFPrimitive(), gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive(), gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive(), gl2psPrintTeXPrimitive(), and gl2psSpecial().

#define GL2PS_SRC_BLEND_TOKEN   11

Definition at line 130 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psBlendFunc(), and gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().

#define GL2PS_TEXT   1

Definition at line 94 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAddInBspImageTree(), gl2psCopyPrimitive(), gl2psFreePrimitive(), gl2psGetPlane(), gl2psPDFgroupListInit(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(), gl2psPrintPGFPrimitive(), gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive(), gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive(), gl2psPrintTeXPrimitive(), gl2psText(), and gl2psTextOpt().

#define GL2PS_TEXT_TOKEN   15

Definition at line 134 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAddText(), and gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().

#define GL2PS_TRIANGLE   5

Definition at line 98 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive(), gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive2D(), gl2psDivideQuad(), gl2psGetPlane(), gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(), gl2psPDFgroupListInit(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteXObjectResources(), gl2psPrintPGFPrimitive(), gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive(), gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive(), and gl2psSortOutTrianglePDFgroup().

#define GL2PS_ZERO ( arg   )     (fabs(arg) < 1.e-20)

Definition at line 89 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAssignTriangleProperties(), gl2psCutEdge(), gl2psGetNormal(), gl2psGetPlane(), gl2psGetPlaneFromPoints(), gl2psPrintPDFFillColor(), gl2psPrintPDFLineWidth(), gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataCoord(), gl2psPrintPDFStrokeColor(), gl2psRescaleAndOffset(), gl2psSameColor(), and gl2psSamePosition().

#define GL2PS_ZOFFSET   5.0e-2F

Definition at line 87 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psRescaleAndOffset().

#define GL2PS_ZOFFSET_LARGE   20.0F

Definition at line 88 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psRescaleAndOffset().

#define GL2PS_ZSCALE   1000.0F

Definition at line 86 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPrimitives(), and gl2psRescaleAndOffset().

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _GL2PSbsptree GL2PSbsptree

Definition at line 160 of file gl2ps.cxx.

typedef struct _GL2PSbsptree2d GL2PSbsptree2d

Definition at line 148 of file gl2ps.cxx.

typedef struct _GL2PSimagemap GL2PSimagemap

Definition at line 196 of file gl2ps.cxx.

typedef GLfloat GL2PSplane[4]

Definition at line 146 of file gl2ps.cxx.

typedef GLfloat GL2PSxyz[3]

Definition at line 145 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 136 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Function Documentation

static void gl2psAdaptVertexForBlending ( GL2PSvertex v  )  [static]

Definition at line 943 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::blendfunc, GL2PScontext::blending, gl2ps, GL2PS_NO_BLENDING, GL_ONE, and GL2PScontext::options.

Referenced by gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().

static void gl2psAddBoundaryInList ( GL2PSprimitive prim,
GL2PSlist list 
) [static]

Definition at line 2077 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References b, GL2PSprimitive::boundary, c, GL2PSprimitive::culled, GL2PSprimitive::factor, GL2PS_LINE, gl2psGetIndex(), gl2psListAdd(), gl2psMalloc(), gl2psNorm(), list, norm(), GL2PSprimitive::numverts, GL2PSprimitive::offset, GL2PSprimitive::pattern, pow(), GL2PSprimitive::verts, GL2PSprimitive::width, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psBuildPolygonBoundary().

static GLint gl2psAddInBspImageTree ( GL2PSprimitive prim,
GL2PSbsptree2d **  tree 
) [static]

Definition at line 2001 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, GL2PS_COINCIDENT, GL2PS_IMAGEMAP, GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF, GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF, GL2PS_LINE, GL2PS_PIXMAP, GL2PS_SPANNING, GL2PS_SPECIAL, GL2PS_TEXT, gl2psAddPlanesInBspTreeImage(), gl2psCheckPrimitive(), gl2psFree(), gl2psSplitPrimitive2D(), GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE, NULL, GL2PScontext::primitivetoadd, GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, and GL2PScontext::zerosurfacearea.

Referenced by gl2psAddInImageTree().

static void gl2psAddIndex ( GLshort index0,
GLshort index1,
GLshort nb,
GLshort  i,
GLshort  j 
) [static]

Definition at line 1250 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References k.

Referenced by gl2psSplitPrimitive().

static void gl2psAddInImageTree ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 2060 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSprimitive::culled, GL2PSprimitive::data, GL2PSimage::format, gl2ps, GL2PS_IMAGEMAP, GL2PS_IMAGEMAP_VISIBLE, gl2psAddInBspImageTree(), GL2PSprimitive::image, GL2PScontext::imagetree, GL2PScontext::primitivetoadd, and GL2PSprimitive::type.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static void gl2psAddPlanesInBspTreeImage ( GL2PSprimitive prim,
GL2PSbsptree2d **  tree 
) [static]

Definition at line 1766 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psFree(), gl2psGetPlaneFromPoints(), gl2psMalloc(), NULL, GL2PSprimitive::numverts, _GL2PSbsptree2d::plane, GL2PSprimitive::verts, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psAddInBspImageTree().

static void gl2psAddPolyPrimitive ( GLshort  type,
GLshort  numverts,
GL2PSvertex verts,
GLint  offset,
GLushort  pattern,
GLint  factor,
GLfloat  width,
char  boundary 
) [static]

Definition at line 2165 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSprimitive::boundary, GL2PSprimitive::culled, GL2PSprimitive::factor, gl2ps, gl2psListAdd(), gl2psMalloc(), GL2PSprimitive::numverts, GL2PSprimitive::offset, GL2PSprimitive::pattern, GL2PScontext::primitives, GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, and GL2PSprimitive::width.

Referenced by gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().

static void gl2psAddPrimitiveInList ( GL2PSprimitive prim,
GL2PSlist list 
) [static]

Definition at line 1496 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_QUADRANGLE, gl2psDivideQuad(), gl2psFreePrimitive(), gl2psListAdd(), list, and GL2PSprimitive::type.

Referenced by gl2psBuildBspTree().

static GLint gl2psAddText ( GLint  type,
const char *  str,
const char *  fontname,
GLshort  fontsize,
GLint  alignment,
GLfloat  angle 
) [static]

Definition at line 862 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSstring::alignment, GL2PSstring::angle, GL2PScontext::auxprimitives, GL2PSprimitive::boundary, GL2PSprimitive::culled, GL2PSprimitive::data, GL2PSprimitive::factor, GL2PSstring::fontname, GL2PSstring::fontsize, gl2ps, GL2PS_NO_TEXT, GL2PS_SUCCESS, GL2PS_TEXT_TOKEN, GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED, gl2psListAdd(), gl2psMalloc(), GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR, GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION, GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID, GL_FALSE, glGetBooleanv(), glGetFloatv(), glPassThrough(), GL2PSprimitive::numverts, GL2PSprimitive::offset, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PSprimitive::pattern, GL2PSvertex::rgba, GL2PSstring::str, strcpy(), GL2PSprimitive::text, GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, GL2PSprimitive::width, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psSpecial(), gl2psText(), and gl2psTextOpt().

static void gl2psAssignTriangleProperties ( GL2PStriangle t  )  [static]

Definition at line 967 of file gl2ps.cxx.


Referenced by gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive().

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBeginPage ( const char *  title,
const char *  producer,
GLint  viewport[4],
GLint  format,
GLint  sort,
GLint  options,
GLint  colormode,
GLint  colorsize,
GL2PSrgba colormap,
GLint  nr,
GLint  ng,
GLint  nb,
GLint  buffersize,
FILE *  stream,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 5566 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::compress, GL2PScontext::format, gl2ps, GL2PS_BSP_SORT, GL2PS_ERROR, GL2PS_NO_SORT, GL2PS_SIMPLE_SORT, GL2PS_USE_CURRENT_VIEWPORT, gl2psbackends, gl2psFree(), gl2psMalloc(), gl2psMsg(), GL_TRUE, GL_VIEWPORT, glGetIntegerv(), GL2PScontext::header, GL2PScontext::imagemap_head, GL2PScontext::imagemap_tail, GL2PScontext::maxbestroot, NULL, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::sort, GL2PScontext::stream, and GL2PScontext::viewport.

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBeginViewport ( GLint  viewport[4]  ) 

Definition at line 5760 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSbackend::beginViewport, GL2PScontext::format, gl2ps, GL2PS_SUCCESS, GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED, and gl2psbackends.

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBlendFunc ( GLenum  sfactor,
GLenum  dfactor 

Definition at line 5983 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, GL2PS_DST_BLEND_TOKEN, GL2PS_SRC_BLEND_TOKEN, GL2PS_SUCCESS, GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED, GL2PS_WARNING, gl2psSupportedBlendMode(), GL_FALSE, and glPassThrough().

static void gl2psBuildBspTree ( GL2PSbsptree tree,
GL2PSlist primitives 
) [static]

Definition at line 1538 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References _GL2PSbsptree::back, _GL2PSbsptree::front, GL2PS_COINCIDENT, GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF, GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF, GL2PS_SPANNING, gl2psAddPrimitiveInList(), gl2psFindRoot(), gl2psFreePrimitive(), gl2psGetPlane(), gl2psListCreate(), gl2psListDelete(), gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), gl2psListSort(), gl2psMalloc(), gl2psSplitPrimitive(), gl2psTrianglesFirst(), NULL, _GL2PSbsptree::plane, and _GL2PSbsptree::primitives.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static void gl2psBuildPolygonBoundary ( GL2PSbsptree tree  )  [static]

Definition at line 2145 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References _GL2PSbsptree::back, GL2PSprimitive::boundary, _GL2PSbsptree::front, gl2psAddBoundaryInList(), gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), and _GL2PSbsptree::primitives.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static GLint gl2psCheckPoint ( GL2PSxyz  point,
GL2PSplane  plane 
) [static]

Definition at line 1756 of file gl2ps.cxx.


Referenced by gl2psCheckPrimitive(), and gl2psSplitPrimitive2D().

static GLint gl2psCheckPrimitive ( GL2PSprimitive prim,
GL2PSplane  plane 
) [static]

Definition at line 1870 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_COINCIDENT, GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF, GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF, GL2PS_POINT_BACK, GL2PS_POINT_INFRONT, GL2PS_SPANNING, gl2psCheckPoint(), GL2PSprimitive::numverts, GL2PSprimitive::verts, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psAddInBspImageTree().

static int gl2psClosePDFDataStream ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 4063 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::compress, fprintf(), fwrite, gl2ps, GL2PS_COMPRESS, GL2PS_ERROR, gl2psMsg(), GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::stream, GL2PScontext::streamlength, and Z_OK.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFFooter().

static int gl2psCompareDepth ( const void *  a,
const void *  b 
) [static]

Definition at line 1385 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References w.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static GLfloat gl2psComparePointPlane ( GL2PSxyz  point,
GL2PSplane  plane 
) [static]

Definition at line 1073 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psCheckPoint(), gl2psCutEdge(), gl2psSplitPrimitive(), gl2psTestSplitPrimitive(), and gl2psTraverseBspTree().

static void gl2psComputeTightBoundingBox ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 5467 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, GL2PSprimitive::numverts, GL2PSprimitive::verts, GL2PScontext::viewport, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static GL2PSimage* gl2psCopyPixmap ( GL2PSimage im  )  [static]

Definition at line 762 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSimage::format, gl2psMalloc(), GL_RGB, GL_RGBA, GL2PSimage::height, image, GL2PSimage::pixels, GL2PSimage::type, and GL2PSimage::width.

Referenced by gl2psCopyPrimitive().

static GL2PSprimitive* gl2psCopyPrimitive ( GL2PSprimitive p  )  [static]

Definition at line 1021 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSprimitive::boundary, GL2PSprimitive::culled, GL2PSprimitive::data, GL2PSprimitive::factor, GL2PS_ERROR, GL2PS_PIXMAP, GL2PS_SPECIAL, GL2PS_TEXT, gl2psCopyPixmap(), gl2psCopyText(), gl2psMalloc(), gl2psMsg(), GL2PSprimitive::image, NULL, GL2PSprimitive::numverts, GL2PSprimitive::offset, p, GL2PSprimitive::pattern, GL2PSprimitive::text, GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, and GL2PSprimitive::width.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFPrimitive().

static GL2PSstring* gl2psCopyText ( GL2PSstring t  )  [static]

Definition at line 907 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psMalloc(), strcpy(), t, and text().

Referenced by gl2psCopyPrimitive().

static void gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive ( GL2PSprimitive parent,
GL2PSplane  plane,
GL2PSprimitive child,
GLshort  numverts,
GLshort index0,
GLshort index1 
) [static]

Definition at line 1206 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSprimitive::boundary, GL2PSprimitive::culled, GL2PSprimitive::data, GL2PSprimitive::factor, GL2PS_IMAGEMAP, GL2PS_LINE, GL2PS_NO_TYPE, GL2PS_POINT, GL2PS_QUADRANGLE, GL2PS_TRIANGLE, GL2PS_WARNING, gl2psCutEdge(), gl2psMalloc(), gl2psMsg(), GL2PSprimitive::image, GL2PSprimitive::numverts, GL2PSprimitive::offset, GL2PSprimitive::pattern, GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, and GL2PSprimitive::width.

static GL2PSprimitive* gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive2D ( GL2PSprimitive parent,
GLshort  numverts,
GL2PSvertex vertx 
) [static]

Definition at line 1885 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSprimitive::boundary, GL2PSprimitive::culled, GL2PSprimitive::data, GL2PSprimitive::factor, GL2PS_IMAGEMAP, GL2PS_LINE, GL2PS_NO_TYPE, GL2PS_POINT, GL2PS_QUADRANGLE, GL2PS_TRIANGLE, gl2psMalloc(), GL2PSprimitive::image, GL2PSprimitive::numverts, GL2PSprimitive::offset, GL2PSprimitive::pattern, GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, and GL2PSprimitive::width.

static void gl2psCutEdge ( GL2PSvertex a,
GL2PSvertex b,
GL2PSplane  plane,
GL2PSvertex c 
) [static]

Definition at line 1181 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References a, b, c, GL2PS_ZERO, gl2psComparePointPlane(), and gl2psPsca().

Referenced by gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive().

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psDisable ( GLint  mode  ) 

Definition at line 5938 of file gl2ps.cxx.


static void gl2psDivideQuad ( GL2PSprimitive quad,
GL2PSprimitive **  t1,
GL2PSprimitive **  t2 
) [static]

Definition at line 1361 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSprimitive::boundary, GL2PSprimitive::culled, GL2PSprimitive::factor, GL2PS_TRIANGLE, gl2psMalloc(), GL2PSprimitive::offset, GL2PSprimitive::pattern, GL2PSprimitive::verts, and GL2PSprimitive::width.

Referenced by gl2psAddPrimitiveInList().

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psDrawImageMap ( GLsizei  width,
GLsizei  height,
const GLfloat  position[3],
const unsigned char *  imagemap 

Definition at line 5880 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, GL2PS_ERROR, GL2PS_IMAGEMAP_TOKEN, GL2PS_SUCCESS, GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED, GL_POINTS, glBegin(), glEnd(), glPassThrough(), glVertex3f(), and value.

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psDrawPixels ( GLsizei  width,
GLsizei  height,
GLint  xorig,
GLint  yorig,
GLenum  format,
GLenum  type,
const void *  pixels 

Definition at line 5799 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::auxprimitives, GL2PScontext::blending, GL2PSprimitive::boundary, GL2PSprimitive::culled, GL2PSprimitive::data, GL2PSprimitive::factor, GL2PSimage::format, gl2ps, GL2PS_DRAW_PIXELS_TOKEN, GL2PS_ERROR, GL2PS_NO_BLENDING, GL2PS_NO_PIXMAP, GL2PS_PIXMAP, GL2PS_SUCCESS, GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED, gl2psListAdd(), gl2psMalloc(), gl2psMsg(), GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR, GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION, GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID, GL_FALSE, GL_FLOAT, GL_RGB, GL_RGBA, glGetBooleanv(), glGetFloatv(), glPassThrough(), GL2PSimage::height, GL2PSprimitive::image, GL2PSprimitive::numverts, GL2PSprimitive::offset, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PSprimitive::pattern, GL2PSimage::pixels, GL2PSvertex::rgba, GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSimage::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, GL2PSprimitive::width, GL2PSimage::width, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psEnable ( GLint  mode  ) 

Definition at line 5905 of file gl2ps.cxx.


GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psEndPage ( void   ) 

Definition at line 5733 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::auxprimitives, GL2PScontext::colormap, GL2PScontext::feedback, fflush(), GL2PScontext::filename, GL2PScontext::format, gl2ps, GL2PS_OVERFLOW, GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED, gl2psbackends, gl2psFree(), gl2psFreeImagemap(), gl2psListDelete(), gl2psPrintPrimitives(), GL2PScontext::imagemap_head, NULL, GL2PScontext::primitives, GL2PSbackend::printFooter, GL2PScontext::producer, GL2PScontext::stream, and GL2PScontext::title.

static void gl2psEndPostScriptLine ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 2905 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, gl2psPrintf(), GL2PScontext::lastvertex, GL2PSvertex::rgba, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPostScriptFinalPrimitive(), and gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive().

static void gl2psEndSVGLine ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 4993 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, gl2psPrintf(), GL2PScontext::lastvertex, GL2PSvertex::rgba, GL2PScontext::viewport, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psPrintSVGFinalPrimitive(), and gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive().

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psEndViewport ( void   ) 

Definition at line 5769 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSbackend::endViewport, GL2PScontext::format, gl2ps, GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED, gl2psbackends, and GL2PScontext::lastlinewidth.

static void gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive ( GL2PStriangle t,
GL2PSprimitive p,
GLboolean  assignprops 
) [static]

Definition at line 1000 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psAssignTriangleProperties(), GL_TRUE, p, and t.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListInit(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(), and gl2psSortOutTrianglePDFgroup().

static GLint gl2psFindRoot ( GL2PSlist primitives,
GL2PSprimitive **  root 
) [static]

Definition at line 1425 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, GL2PS_BEST_ROOT, GL2PS_ERROR, gl2psGetPlane(), gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), gl2psMsg(), gl2psTestSplitPrimitive(), j, GL2PScontext::maxbestroot, GL2PScontext::options, and root.

Referenced by gl2psBuildBspTree().

static void gl2psFree ( void *  ptr  )  [static]

Definition at line 339 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References free().

Referenced by gl2psAddInBspImageTree(), gl2psAddPlanesInBspTreeImage(), gl2psBeginPage(), gl2psEndPage(), gl2psFreeBspImageTree(), gl2psFreeBspTree(), gl2psFreeImagemap(), gl2psFreePixmap(), gl2psFreePrimitive(), gl2psFreeText(), gl2psListDelete(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(), gl2psPrintGzipFooter(), and gl2psPrintPDFFooter().

static void gl2psFreeBspImageTree ( GL2PSbsptree2d **  tree  )  [static]

Definition at line 1746 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psFree(), and NULL.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static void gl2psFreeBspTree ( GL2PSbsptree **  tree  )  [static]

Definition at line 1512 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psFree(), gl2psFreePrimitive(), gl2psListAction(), gl2psListDelete(), and NULL.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static void gl2psFreeImagemap ( GL2PSimagemap list  )  [static]

Definition at line 1470 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psFree(), list, POLYGON::next, and NULL.

Referenced by gl2psEndPage().

static void gl2psFreePixmap ( GL2PSimage im  )  [static]

Definition at line 788 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psFree(), and GL2PSimage::pixels.

Referenced by gl2psFreePrimitive().

static void gl2psFreePrimitive ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 1481 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_PIXMAP, GL2PS_SPECIAL, GL2PS_TEXT, gl2psFree(), gl2psFreePixmap(), and gl2psFreeText().

Referenced by gl2psAddPrimitiveInList(), gl2psBuildBspTree(), gl2psFreeBspTree(), gl2psPrintPDFFooter(), and gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static void gl2psFreeText ( GL2PSstring text  )  [static]

Definition at line 921 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psFree(), and text().

Referenced by gl2psFreePrimitive().

GL2PSDLL_API const char* gl2psGetFileExtension ( GLint  format  ) 

Definition at line 6019 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psbackends.

GL2PSDLL_API const char* gl2psGetFormatDescription ( GLint  format  ) 

Definition at line 6027 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psbackends.

static GLshort gl2psGetIndex ( GLshort  i,
GLshort  num 
) [static]

Definition at line 1264 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAddBoundaryInList(), and gl2psSplitPrimitive().

static void gl2psGetNormal ( GLfloat a,
GLfloat b,
GLfloat c 
) [static]

Definition at line 1098 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_ZERO, gl2psNorm(), gl2psPvec(), and norm().

Referenced by gl2psGetPlane().

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psGetOptions ( GLint *  options  ) 

Definition at line 6007 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, GL2PS_SUCCESS, GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED, and GL2PScontext::options.

static void gl2psGetPlane ( GL2PSprimitive prim,
GL2PSplane  plane 
) [static]

Definition at line 1117 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_ERROR, GL2PS_IMAGEMAP, GL2PS_LINE, GL2PS_PIXMAP, GL2PS_POINT, GL2PS_QUADRANGLE, GL2PS_SPECIAL, GL2PS_TEXT, GL2PS_TRIANGLE, GL2PS_ZERO, gl2psGetNormal(), gl2psMsg(), GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, w, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psBuildBspTree(), and gl2psFindRoot().

static GLint gl2psGetPlaneFromPoints ( GL2PSxyz  a,
GL2PSxyz  b,
GL2PSplane  plane 
) [static]

Definition at line 1724 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_ZERO, and sqrt().

Referenced by gl2psAddPlanesInBspTreeImage().

static GLfloat gl2psGetRGB ( GL2PSimage im,
GLuint  x,
GLuint  y,
GLfloat red,
GLfloat green,
GLfloat blue 
) [static]

Definition at line 734 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSimage::format, GL_RGB, GL_RGBA, GL2PSimage::height, height, GL2PSimage::pixels, GL2PSimage::width, and width.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFPixmapStreamData(), and gl2psPrintPostScriptPixmap().

static GLint gl2psGetVertex ( GL2PSvertex v,
GLfloat p 
) [static]

Definition at line 2190 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::colormap, GL2PScontext::colormode, GL2PScontext::colorsize, gl2ps, and GL_COLOR_INDEX.

Referenced by gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer().

static GLboolean gl2psGreater ( GLfloat  f1,
GLfloat  f2 
) [static]

Definition at line 1526 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL_FALSE, and GL_TRUE.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static void gl2psInitTriangle ( GL2PStriangle t  )  [static]

Definition at line 1010 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References t, and T_UNDEFINED.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListInit().

static GLboolean gl2psLess ( GLfloat  f1,
GLfloat  f2 
) [static]

Definition at line 1532 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL_FALSE, and GL_TRUE.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPrimitives().

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psLineWidth ( GLfloat  value  ) 

Definition at line 5973 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, GL2PS_LINE_WIDTH_TOKEN, GL2PS_SUCCESS, GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED, and glPassThrough().

static void gl2psListAction ( GL2PSlist list,
void(*)(void *data action 
) [static]

Definition at line 614 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), and list.

Referenced by gl2psFreeBspTree(), gl2psPrintPDFFooter(), gl2psPrintPrimitives(), and gl2psTraverseBspTree().

static void gl2psListActionInverse ( GL2PSlist list,
void(*)(void *data action 
) [static]

Definition at line 623 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), and list.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPrimitives(), and gl2psTraverseBspTree().

static void gl2psListAdd ( GL2PSlist list,
void *  data 
) [static]

Definition at line 575 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_ERROR, gl2psListRealloc(), gl2psMsg(), list, and POLYGON::n.

Referenced by gl2psAddBoundaryInList(), gl2psAddPolyPrimitive(), gl2psAddPrimitiveInList(), gl2psAddText(), gl2psDrawPixels(), gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(), gl2psPDFgroupListInit(), and gl2psPrintPDFPrimitive().

static GL2PSlist* gl2psListCreate ( GLint  n,
GLint  incr,
GLint  size 
) [static]

Definition at line 546 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psListRealloc(), gl2psMalloc(), list, POLYGON::n, and NULL.

Referenced by gl2psBuildBspTree(), gl2psPDFgroupListInit(), gl2psPrintPDFHeader(), gl2psPrintPrimitives(), and gl2psPrintSVGPixmap().

static void gl2psListDelete ( GL2PSlist list  )  [static]

Definition at line 568 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psFree(), and list.

Referenced by gl2psBuildBspTree(), gl2psEndPage(), gl2psFreeBspTree(), gl2psPDFgroupListDelete(), gl2psPrintPDFFooter(), and gl2psPrintSVGPixmap().

static int gl2psListNbr ( GL2PSlist list  )  [static]

Definition at line 586 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References list, and POLYGON::n.

Referenced by gl2psBuildBspTree(), gl2psBuildPolygonBoundary(), gl2psFindRoot(), gl2psListAction(), gl2psListActionInverse(), gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(), gl2psPDFgroupListDelete(), gl2psPDFgroupListInit(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteFontResources(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteGStateResources(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteShaderResources(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteXObjectResources(), gl2psPrintPrimitives(), gl2psPrintSVGPixmap(), gl2psRescaleAndOffset(), and gl2psSortOutTrianglePDFgroup().

static void* gl2psListPointer ( GL2PSlist list,
GLint  index 
) [static]

Definition at line 593 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_ERROR, gl2psMsg(), list, POLYGON::n, and NULL.

Referenced by gl2psBuildBspTree(), gl2psBuildPolygonBoundary(), gl2psFindRoot(), gl2psListAction(), gl2psListActionInverse(), gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(), gl2psPDFgroupListDelete(), gl2psPDFgroupListInit(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteFontResources(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteGStateResources(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteShaderResources(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteXObjectResources(), gl2psRescaleAndOffset(), and gl2psSortOutTrianglePDFgroup().

static void gl2psListRealloc ( GL2PSlist list,
GLint  n 
) [static]

Definition at line 526 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_ERROR, gl2psMalloc(), gl2psMsg(), gl2psRealloc(), and list.

Referenced by gl2psListAdd(), and gl2psListCreate().

static void gl2psListReset ( GL2PSlist list  )  [static]

Definition at line 562 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References list, and POLYGON::n.

Referenced by gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(), and gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static void gl2psListSort ( GL2PSlist list,
int(*)(const void *a, const void *b fcmp 
) [static]

Definition at line 606 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References list, and POLYGON::n.

Referenced by gl2psBuildBspTree(), and gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static void* gl2psMalloc ( size_t  size  )  [static]

Definition at line 315 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_ERROR, gl2psMsg(), malloc(), NULL, and ptr.

Referenced by gl2psAddBoundaryInList(), gl2psAddPlanesInBspTreeImage(), gl2psAddPolyPrimitive(), gl2psAddText(), gl2psBeginPage(), gl2psBuildBspTree(), gl2psCopyPixmap(), gl2psCopyPrimitive(), gl2psCopyText(), gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive(), gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive2D(), gl2psDivideQuad(), gl2psDrawPixels(), gl2psListCreate(), gl2psListRealloc(), gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(), gl2psPrintPDFHeader(), and gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static void gl2psMsg ( GLint  level,
const char *  fmt,
) [static]

Definition at line 297 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, GL2PS_ERROR, GL2PS_INFO, GL2PS_SILENT, GL2PS_WARNING, and GL2PScontext::options.

Referenced by gl2psBeginPage(), gl2psClosePDFDataStream(), gl2psCopyPrimitive(), gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive(), gl2psDisable(), gl2psDrawPixels(), gl2psEnable(), gl2psFindRoot(), gl2psGetPlane(), gl2psListAdd(), gl2psListPointer(), gl2psListRealloc(), gl2psMalloc(), gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(), gl2psPrintGzipFooter(), gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive(), gl2psPrintPrimitives(), gl2psPrintSVGPixmap(), gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive(), and gl2psRealloc().

static GLfloat gl2psNorm ( GLfloat a  )  [static]

Definition at line 1093 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References sqrt().

Referenced by gl2psAddBoundaryInList(), and gl2psGetNormal().

static int gl2psOpenPDFDataStream ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3982 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, gl2psPrintPDFCompressorType(), and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFHeader().

static int gl2psOpenPDFDataStreamWritePreface ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3999 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::bgcolor, gl2ps, GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND, gl2psPrintf(), gl2psPrintPDFFillColor(), GL2PScontext::options, and GL2PScontext::viewport.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFHeader().

static void gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer ( GLint  used  )  [static]

Definition at line 2215 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::auxprimitives, GL2PScontext::blendfunc, GL2PScontext::blending, GL2PSprimitive::boundary, GL2PScontext::boundary, GL2PSprimitive::culled, GL2PSprimitive::data, GL2PSprimitive::factor, GL2PScontext::feedback, flag, GL2PSimage::format, gl2ps, GL2PS_BEGIN_BLEND_TOKEN, GL2PS_BEGIN_BOUNDARY_TOKEN, GL2PS_BEGIN_OFFSET_TOKEN, GL2PS_BEGIN_STIPPLE_TOKEN, GL2PS_DRAW_PIXELS_TOKEN, GL2PS_DST_BLEND_TOKEN, GL2PS_END_BLEND_TOKEN, GL2PS_END_BOUNDARY_TOKEN, GL2PS_END_OFFSET_TOKEN, GL2PS_END_STIPPLE_TOKEN, GL2PS_ERROR, GL2PS_IMAGEMAP, GL2PS_IMAGEMAP_TOKEN, GL2PS_LINE, GL2PS_LINE_WIDTH_TOKEN, GL2PS_POINT, GL2PS_POINT_SIZE_TOKEN, GL2PS_SRC_BLEND_TOKEN, GL2PS_TEXT_TOKEN, GL2PS_TRIANGLE, GL2PS_WARNING, gl2psAdaptVertexForBlending(), gl2psAddPolyPrimitive(), gl2psGetVertex(), gl2psListAdd(), gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), gl2psListReset(), gl2psMalloc(), gl2psMsg(), GL_BITMAP_TOKEN, GL_COPY_PIXEL_TOKEN, GL_DRAW_PIXEL_TOKEN, GL_FALSE, GL_LINE_RESET_TOKEN, GL_LINE_TOKEN, GL_PASS_THROUGH_TOKEN, GL_POINT_TOKEN, GL_POLYGON_TOKEN, GL_TRUE, GL2PSimage::height, GL2PSprimitive::image, _GL2PSimagemap::image, GL2PScontext::imagemap_head, GL2PScontext::imagemap_tail, int, _GL2PSimagemap::next, NULL, GL2PSprimitive::numverts, GL2PSprimitive::offset, GL2PSprimitive::pattern, GL2PSimage::pixels, GL2PScontext::primitives, GL2PSvertex::rgba, GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSimage::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, GL2PSprimitive::width, GL2PSimage::width, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static void gl2psParseStipplePattern ( GLushort  pattern,
GLint  factor,
int *  nb,
int  array[10] 
) [static]

Definition at line 2917 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References x01.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPGFDash(), gl2psPrintPostScriptDash(), and gl2psPrintSVGDash().

static void gl2psPDFgroupListDelete ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3897 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, gl2psListDelete(), gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), NULL, GL2PScontext::pdfgrouplist, and GL2PSpdfgroup::ptrlist.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFFooter().

static void gl2psPDFgroupListInit ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3460 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::font_stack, GL2PSpdfgroup::fontno, gl2ps, GL2PS_LINE, GL2PS_NO_TYPE, GL2PS_PIXMAP, GL2PS_POINT, GL2PS_TEXT, GL2PS_TRIANGLE, gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive(), gl2psInitTriangle(), gl2psListAdd(), gl2psListCreate(), gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), gl2psPDFgroupObjectInit(), gl2psSameColor(), GL_TRUE, GL2PScontext::im_stack, GL2PSpdfgroup::imno, NULL, p, GL2PScontext::pdfgrouplist, GL2PScontext::pdfprimlist, GL2PStriangle::prop, GL2PSpdfgroup::ptrlist, GL2PSvertex::rgba, T_ALPHA_1, T_CONST_COLOR, and GL2PStriangle::vertex.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFFooter().

static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteFontResources ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3877 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSpdfgroup::fontno, GL2PSpdfgroup::fontobjno, fprintf(), gl2ps, gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), GL2PScontext::objects_stack, GL2PScontext::pdfgrouplist, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteVariableResources().

static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteGStateResources ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3798 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), GL2PSpdfgroup::gsno, GL2PSpdfgroup::gsobjno, GL2PScontext::pdfgrouplist, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteVariableResources().

static void gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3610 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSprimitive::data, GL2PSprimitive::factor, GL2PSpdfgroup::fontno, gl2ps, GL2PS_LINE, GL2PS_PIXMAP, GL2PS_POINT, GL2PS_TEXT, GL2PS_TRIANGLE, gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive(), gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), gl2psPrintf(), gl2psPrintPDFFillColor(), gl2psPrintPDFLineWidth(), gl2psPrintPDFStrokeColor(), gl2psPrintPostScriptDash(), gl2psPutPDFImage(), gl2psPutPDFText(), gl2psSamePosition(), gl2psSortOutTrianglePDFgroup(), GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE, GL2PSpdfgroup::gsno, GL2PSprimitive::image, GL2PSpdfgroup::imno, j, NULL, GL2PSprimitive::pattern, GL2PScontext::pdfgrouplist, GL2PSpdfgroup::ptrlist, GL2PSvertex::rgba, GL2PSpdfgroup::shno, GL2PScontext::streamlength, t, T_ALPHA_1, T_ALPHA_LESS_1, T_CONST_COLOR, T_VAR_ALPHA, T_VAR_COLOR, GL2PSprimitive::text, GL2PSpdfgroup::trgroupno, GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, GL2PSprimitive::width, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFFooter().

static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects ( int  entryoffs  )  [static]

Definition at line 4617 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSpdfgroup::fontno, GL2PSpdfgroup::fontobjno, fprintf(), gl2ps, GL2PS_LINE, GL2PS_PDF, GL2PS_PIXMAP, GL2PS_POINT, GL2PS_SPECIAL, GL2PS_TEXT, GL2PS_TRIANGLE, gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive(), gl2psFree(), gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), gl2psMalloc(), gl2psPrintPDFPixmap(), gl2psPrintPDFShader(), gl2psPrintPDFShaderExtGS(), gl2psPrintPDFShaderMask(), gl2psPrintPDFShaderSimpleExtGS(), gl2psPrintPDFText(), GL_RGBA, GL_TRUE, GL2PSpdfgroup::gsobjno, GL2PSpdfgroup::imobjno, j, GL2PSpdfgroup::maskshno, GL2PSpdfgroup::maskshobjno, NULL, p, GL2PScontext::pdfgrouplist, GL2PSpdfgroup::ptrlist, GL2PSpdfgroup::shobjno, GL2PScontext::stream, T_ALPHA_LESS_1, T_VAR_ALPHA, T_VAR_COLOR, GL2PSpdfgroup::trgroupobjno, triangles(), and GL2PScontext::xreflist.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFFooter().

static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteShaderResources ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3819 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), GL2PSpdfgroup::maskshno, GL2PSpdfgroup::maskshobjno, GL2PScontext::pdfgrouplist, GL2PSpdfgroup::shno, GL2PSpdfgroup::shobjno, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteVariableResources().

static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteVariableResources ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 4127 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, gl2psPDFgroupListWriteFontResources(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteGStateResources(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteShaderResources(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteXObjectResources(), and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFFooter().

static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteXObjectResources ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3841 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, GL2PS_PIXMAP, GL2PS_TRIANGLE, gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), GL_RGBA, GL2PSpdfgroup::imno, GL2PSpdfgroup::imobjno, NULL, GL2PScontext::objects_stack, p, GL2PScontext::pdfgrouplist, GL2PSpdfgroup::ptrlist, GL2PScontext::stream, GL2PSpdfgroup::trgroupno, and GL2PSpdfgroup::trgroupobjno.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteVariableResources().

static void gl2psPDFgroupObjectInit ( GL2PSpdfgroup gro  )  [static]

Definition at line 3447 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSpdfgroup::fontno, GL2PSpdfgroup::fontobjno, GL2PSpdfgroup::gsno, GL2PSpdfgroup::gsobjno, GL2PSpdfgroup::imno, GL2PSpdfgroup::imobjno, GL2PSpdfgroup::maskshno, GL2PSpdfgroup::maskshobjno, NULL, GL2PSpdfgroup::ptrlist, GL2PSpdfgroup::shno, GL2PSpdfgroup::shobjno, GL2PSpdfgroup::trgroupno, and GL2PSpdfgroup::trgroupobjno.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListInit().

static void gl2psPDFRectHull ( GLfloat xmin,
GLfloat xmax,
GLfloat ymin,
GLfloat ymax,
GL2PStriangle triangles,
int  cnt 
) [static]

Definition at line 4299 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References j, and triangles().

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFShader().

static void gl2psPDFstacksInit ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3436 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::extgs_stack, GL2PScontext::font_stack, gl2ps, GL2PScontext::im_stack, GL2PScontext::mshader_stack, GL2PScontext::objects_stack, GL2PScontext::shader_stack, and GL2PScontext::trgroupobjects_stack.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFHeader().

static const char* gl2psPGFTextAlignment ( int  align  )  [static]

Definition at line 5288 of file gl2ps.cxx.


Referenced by gl2psPrintPGFPrimitive().

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psPointSize ( GLfloat  value  ) 

Definition at line 5963 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, GL2PS_POINT_SIZE_TOKEN, GL2PS_SUCCESS, GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED, and glPassThrough().

static int gl2psPrintf ( const char *  fmt,
) [static]

Definition at line 438 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References buf, GL2PScontext::compress, gl2ps, GL2PS_COMPRESS, GL2PScontext::options, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psEndPostScriptLine(), gl2psEndSVGLine(), gl2psOpenPDFDataStreamWritePreface(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(), gl2psPrintPDFBeginViewport(), gl2psPrintPDFEndViewport(), gl2psPrintPDFFillColor(), gl2psPrintPDFLineWidth(), gl2psPrintPDFStrokeColor(), gl2psPrintPostScriptBeginViewport(), gl2psPrintPostScriptColor(), gl2psPrintPostScriptDash(), gl2psPrintPostScriptEndViewport(), gl2psPrintPostScriptFooter(), gl2psPrintPostScriptHeader(), gl2psPrintPostScriptImagemap(), gl2psPrintPostScriptPixmap(), gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive(), gl2psPrintSVGBeginViewport(), gl2psPrintSVGDash(), gl2psPrintSVGEndViewport(), gl2psPrintSVGFooter(), gl2psPrintSVGHeader(), gl2psPrintSVGPixmap(), gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive(), gl2psPrintSVGSmoothTriangle(), gl2psPutPDFImage(), gl2psPutPDFText(), and gl2psWriteByte().

static void gl2psPrintGzipFooter (  )  [static]

Definition at line 484 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::compress, crc32(), fwrite, gl2ps, GL2PS_COMPRESS, GL2PS_ERROR, gl2psFree(), gl2psMsg(), RooFitShortHand::L(), len, n, NULL, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::stream, and Z_OK.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPostScriptFooter(), and gl2psPrintSVGFooter().

static void gl2psPrintGzipHeader (  )  [static]

Definition at line 466 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fwrite, gl2ps, GL2PS_COMPRESS, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::stream, and x03.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPostScriptHeader(), and gl2psPrintSVGHeader().

static void gl2psPrintPDFBeginViewport ( GLint  viewport[4]  )  [static]

Definition at line 4758 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::colormap, GL2PScontext::colormode, GL2PScontext::colorsize, gl2ps, GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND, gl2psPrintf(), gl2psPrintPDFFillColor(), gl2psPrintPDFHeader(), GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, GL_FALSE, GL_FEEDBACK, GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE, GL_RGBA, glGetFloatv(), glGetIntegerv(), glRenderMode(), h, GL2PScontext::header, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::streamlength, w, x, and y.

static int gl2psPrintPDFCatalog ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3957 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFHeader().

static int gl2psPrintPDFCompressorType ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3362 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, GL2PS_COMPRESS, GL2PScontext::options, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psOpenPDFDataStream(), gl2psPrintPDFPixmap(), and gl2psPrintPDFShader().

static int gl2psPrintPDFDataStreamLength ( int  val  )  [static]

Definition at line 4088 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFFooter().

static GLint gl2psPrintPDFEndViewport ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 4801 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, gl2psPrintf(), gl2psPrintPrimitives(), and GL2PScontext::streamlength.

static int gl2psPrintPDFFillColor ( GL2PSrgba  rgba  )  [static]

Definition at line 3389 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_ZERO, and gl2psPrintf().

Referenced by gl2psOpenPDFDataStreamWritePreface(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(), and gl2psPrintPDFBeginViewport().

static void gl2psPrintPDFFinalPrimitive ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 4810 of file gl2ps.cxx.

static void gl2psPrintPDFFooter ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 4693 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::compress, fprintf(), gl2ps, GL2PS_COMPRESS, gl2psClosePDFDataStream(), gl2psFree(), gl2psFreePrimitive(), gl2psListAction(), gl2psListDelete(), gl2psPDFgroupListDelete(), gl2psPDFgroupListInit(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteVariableResources(), gl2psPrintPDFDataStreamLength(), gl2psPrintPDFGSObject(), gl2psPrintPDFOpenPage(), gl2psRealloc(), NULL, GL2PScontext::objects_stack, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::pdfprimlist, GL2PScontext::stream, GL2PScontext::streamlength, and GL2PScontext::xreflist.

static int gl2psPrintPDFGSObject ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 4153 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFFooter().

static void gl2psPrintPDFHeader ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 4017 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, GL2PS_COMPRESS, gl2psListCreate(), gl2psMalloc(), gl2psOpenPDFDataStream(), gl2psOpenPDFDataStreamWritePreface(), gl2psPDFstacksInit(), gl2psPrintPDFCatalog(), gl2psPrintPDFInfo(), gl2psPrintPDFPages(), GL2PScontext::objects_stack, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::pdfprimlist, GL2PScontext::stream, GL2PScontext::streamlength, and GL2PScontext::xreflist.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFBeginViewport().

static int gl2psPrintPDFInfo ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3916 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, GL2PS_COPYRIGHT, GL2PS_EXTRA_VERSION, GL2PS_MAJOR_VERSION, GL2PS_MINOR_VERSION, GL2PS_PATCH_VERSION, GL2PScontext::producer, GL2PScontext::stream, and GL2PScontext::title.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFHeader().

static int gl2psPrintPDFLineWidth ( GLfloat  lw  )  [static]

Definition at line 3405 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_ZERO, and gl2psPrintf().

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream().

static int gl2psPrintPDFOpenPage ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 4098 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, GL2PS_LANDSCAPE, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::stream, and GL2PScontext::viewport.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFFooter().

static int gl2psPrintPDFPages ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3968 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFHeader().

static int gl2psPrintPDFPixmap ( int  obj,
int  childobj,
GL2PSimage im,
int  gray 
) [static]

Definition at line 4530 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::compress, GL2PSimage::format, fprintf(), fwrite, gl2ps, GL2PS_COMPRESS, gl2psPrintPDFCompressorType(), gl2psPrintPDFPixmapStreamData(), gl2psWriteBigEndian(), GL_RGBA, GL2PSimage::height, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::stream, GL2PSimage::width, and Z_OK.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects().

static int gl2psPrintPDFPixmapStreamData ( GL2PSimage im,
size_t(*)(unsigned long data, size_t size action,
int  gray 
) [static]

Definition at line 4492 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References a, b, GL2PSimage::format, g, gl2psGetRGB(), GL_RGBA, GL2PSimage::height, long, GL2PSimage::width, x, and y.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFPixmap().

static void gl2psPrintPDFPrimitive ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 4050 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSprimitive::culled, gl2ps, GL2PS_OCCLUSION_CULL, gl2psCopyPrimitive(), gl2psListAdd(), GL2PScontext::options, and GL2PScontext::pdfprimlist.

static int gl2psPrintPDFShader ( int  obj,
GL2PStriangle triangles,
int  size,
int  gray 
) [static]

Definition at line 4329 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::compress, fprintf(), fwrite, gl2ps, GL2PS_COMPRESS, gl2psPDFRectHull(), gl2psPrintPDFCompressorType(), gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamData(), GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::stream, triangles(), xmax, ymax, and Z_OK.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects().

static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderExtGS ( int  obj,
int  childobj 
) [static]

Definition at line 4455 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects().

static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderMask ( int  obj,
int  childobj 
) [static]

Definition at line 4416 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, int, log10(), GL2PScontext::stream, and GL2PScontext::viewport.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects().

static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderSimpleExtGS ( int  obj,
GLfloat  alpha 
) [static]

Definition at line 4476 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects().

static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamData ( GL2PStriangle triangle,
GLfloat  dx,
GLfloat  dy,
GLfloat  xmin,
GLfloat  ymin,
size_t(*)(unsigned long data, size_t size action,
int  gray 
) [static]

Definition at line 4271 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataAlpha(), gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataCoord(), gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataRGB(), and GL2PStriangle::vertex.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFShader().

static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataAlpha ( GL2PSvertex vertex,
size_t(*)(unsigned long data, size_t size action,
int  sigbyte 
) [static]

Definition at line 4245 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSvertex::rgba.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamData().

static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataCoord ( GL2PSvertex vertex,
size_t(*)(unsigned long data, size_t size action,
GLfloat  dx,
GLfloat  dy,
GLfloat  xmin,
GLfloat  ymin 
) [static]

Definition at line 4173 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_ZERO, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamData().

static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataRGB ( GL2PSvertex vertex,
size_t(*)(unsigned long data, size_t size action 
) [static]

Definition at line 4220 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSvertex::rgba.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamData().

static int gl2psPrintPDFStrokeColor ( GL2PSrgba  rgba  )  [static]

Definition at line 3372 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_ZERO, gl2psPrintf(), and gl2psSetLastColor().

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream().

static int gl2psPrintPDFText ( int  obj,
GL2PSstring s,
int  fontnumber 
) [static]

Definition at line 4597 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, s, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects().

static void gl2psPrintPGFBeginViewport ( GLint  viewport[4]  )  [static]

Definition at line 5384 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::colormap, GL2PScontext::colormode, GL2PScontext::colorsize, fprintf(), gl2ps, GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND, gl2psPrintPGFColor(), gl2psPrintPGFHeader(), GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, GL_FALSE, GL_FEEDBACK, GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE, GL_RGBA, glGetFloatv(), glGetIntegerv(), glRenderMode(), h, GL2PScontext::header, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::stream, w, x, and y.

static void gl2psPrintPGFColor ( GL2PSrgba  rgba  )  [static]

Definition at line 5231 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, gl2psSameColor(), gl2psSetLastColor(), GL2PScontext::lastrgba, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPGFBeginViewport(), gl2psPrintPGFHeader(), and gl2psPrintPGFPrimitive().

static void gl2psPrintPGFDash ( GLushort  pattern,
GLint  factor 
) [static]

Definition at line 5266 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References array, fprintf(), gl2ps, gl2psParseStipplePattern(), GL2PScontext::lastfactor, GL2PScontext::lastpattern, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPGFPrimitive().

static GLint gl2psPrintPGFEndViewport ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 5424 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, gl2psPrintPrimitives(), and GL2PScontext::stream.

static void gl2psPrintPGFFinalPrimitive ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 5432 of file gl2ps.cxx.

static void gl2psPrintPGFFooter ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 5379 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, and GL2PScontext::stream.

static void gl2psPrintPGFHeader ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 5239 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::bgcolor, fprintf(), gl2ps, GL2PS_COPYRIGHT, GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND, GL2PS_EXTRA_VERSION, GL2PS_MAJOR_VERSION, GL2PS_MINOR_VERSION, GL2PS_PATCH_VERSION, gl2psPrintPGFColor(), GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::producer, GL2PScontext::stream, GL2PScontext::title, and GL2PScontext::viewport.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPGFBeginViewport().

static void gl2psPrintPGFPrimitive ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 5304 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSstring::alignment, GL2PSstring::angle, GL2PSprimitive::data, GL2PSprimitive::factor, GL2PSstring::fontsize, fprintf(), gl2ps, GL2PS_LINE, GL2PS_PGF, GL2PS_POINT, GL2PS_SPECIAL, GL2PS_TEXT, GL2PS_TRIANGLE, gl2psPGFTextAlignment(), gl2psPrintPGFColor(), gl2psPrintPGFDash(), GL2PScontext::lastlinewidth, GL2PSprimitive::pattern, GL2PSvertex::rgba, GL2PSstring::str, GL2PScontext::stream, GL2PSprimitive::text, GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, GL2PSprimitive::width, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

static void gl2psPrintPostScriptBeginViewport ( GLint  viewport[4]  )  [static]

Definition at line 3130 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::colormap, GL2PScontext::colormode, GL2PScontext::colorsize, gl2ps, GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND, gl2psPrintf(), gl2psPrintPostScriptHeader(), GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, GL_FALSE, GL_FEEDBACK, GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE, GL_RGBA, glGetFloatv(), glGetIntegerv(), glRenderMode(), h, GL2PScontext::header, GL2PScontext::options, w, x, and y.

static void gl2psPrintPostScriptColor ( GL2PSrgba  rgba  )  [static]

Definition at line 2892 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, gl2psPrintf(), gl2psSameColor(), gl2psSetLastColor(), and GL2PScontext::lastrgba.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive().

static int gl2psPrintPostScriptDash ( GLushort  pattern,
GLint  factor,
const char *  str 
) [static]

Definition at line 2951 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References array, gl2ps, gl2psParseStipplePattern(), gl2psPrintf(), GL2PScontext::lastfactor, and GL2PScontext::lastpattern.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(), and gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive().

static GLint gl2psPrintPostScriptEndViewport ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3170 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psPrintf(), and gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static void gl2psPrintPostScriptFinalPrimitive ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3179 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psEndPostScriptLine().

static void gl2psPrintPostScriptFooter ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3117 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psPrintf(), and gl2psPrintGzipFooter().

static void gl2psPrintPostScriptHeader ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 2653 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::bgcolor, GL2PScontext::format, gl2ps, GL2PS_COPYRIGHT, GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND, GL2PS_EXTRA_VERSION, GL2PS_LANDSCAPE, GL2PS_MAJOR_VERSION, GL2PS_MINOR_VERSION, GL2PS_NO_PS3_SHADING, GL2PS_PATCH_VERSION, GL2PS_PS, gl2psPrintf(), gl2psPrintGzipHeader(), GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::producer, GL2PScontext::threshold, GL2PScontext::title, and GL2PScontext::viewport.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPostScriptBeginViewport().

static void gl2psPrintPostScriptImagemap ( GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GLsizei  width,
GLsizei  height,
const unsigned char *  imagemap 
) [static]

Definition at line 2633 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psPrintf(), and gl2psWriteByte().

Referenced by gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive().

static void gl2psPrintPostScriptPixmap ( GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y,
GL2PSimage im 
) [static]

Definition at line 2432 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References b, blue, gl2psGetRGB(), gl2psPrintf(), gl2psWriteByte(), green, GL2PSimage::height, height, nbits, red, GL2PSimage::width, and width.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive().

static void gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 2978 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSstring::alignment, GL2PSstring::angle, GL2PSprimitive::culled, GL2PSprimitive::data, GL2PSprimitive::factor, GL2PSstring::fontname, GL2PSstring::fontsize, gl2ps, GL2PS_EPS, GL2PS_IMAGEMAP, GL2PS_IMAGEMAP_WRITTEN, GL2PS_LINE, GL2PS_OCCLUSION_CULL, GL2PS_PIXMAP, GL2PS_POINT, GL2PS_PS, GL2PS_QUADRANGLE, GL2PS_SPECIAL, GL2PS_TEXT, GL2PS_TEXT_B, GL2PS_TEXT_BL, GL2PS_TEXT_BR, GL2PS_TEXT_C, GL2PS_TEXT_CL, GL2PS_TEXT_CR, GL2PS_TEXT_T, GL2PS_TEXT_TL, GL2PS_TEXT_TR, GL2PS_TRIANGLE, GL2PS_WARNING, gl2psEndPostScriptLine(), gl2psMsg(), gl2psPrintf(), gl2psPrintPostScriptColor(), gl2psPrintPostScriptDash(), gl2psPrintPostScriptImagemap(), gl2psPrintPostScriptPixmap(), gl2psResetPostScriptColor(), gl2psSameColor(), gl2psSamePosition(), gl2psVertsSameColor(), GL2PSimage::height, GL2PSprimitive::image, GL2PScontext::lastfactor, GL2PScontext::lastlinewidth, GL2PScontext::lastpattern, GL2PScontext::lastrgba, GL2PScontext::lastvertex, newline, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PSprimitive::pattern, GL2PSimage::pixels, GL2PSvertex::rgba, GL2PSstring::str, GL2PSprimitive::text, GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSimage::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, GL2PSprimitive::width, GL2PSimage::width, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

static GLint gl2psPrintPrimitives ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 5486 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::boundary, GL2PScontext::format, gl2ps, GL2PS_BSP_SORT, GL2PS_EPSILON, GL2PS_INFO, GL2PS_NO_FEEDBACK, GL2PS_NO_SORT, GL2PS_OCCLUSION_CULL, GL2PS_OVERFLOW, GL2PS_SIMPLE_SORT, GL2PS_SUCCESS, GL2PS_TIGHT_BOUNDING_BOX, GL2PS_ZSCALE, gl2psAddInImageTree(), gl2psbackends, gl2psBuildBspTree(), gl2psBuildPolygonBoundary(), gl2psCompareDepth(), gl2psComputeTightBoundingBox(), gl2psFreeBspImageTree(), gl2psFreeBspTree(), gl2psFreePrimitive(), gl2psGreater(), gl2psLess(), gl2psListAction(), gl2psListActionInverse(), gl2psListCreate(), gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListReset(), gl2psListSort(), gl2psMalloc(), gl2psMsg(), gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(), gl2psRescaleAndOffset(), gl2psTraverseBspTree(), GL_FALSE, GL_RENDER, GL_TRUE, glRenderMode(), GL2PScontext::header, GL2PScontext::imagetree, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::primitives, GL2PSbackend::printFinalPrimitive, GL2PSbackend::printHeader, GL2PSbackend::printPrimitive, root, GL2PScontext::sort, and GL2PScontext::viewport.

Referenced by gl2psEndPage(), gl2psPrintPDFEndViewport(), gl2psPrintPGFEndViewport(), gl2psPrintPostScriptEndViewport(), gl2psPrintSVGEndViewport(), and gl2psPrintTeXEndViewport().

static void gl2psPrintSVGBeginViewport ( GLint  viewport[4]  )  [static]

Definition at line 5154 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::colormap, GL2PScontext::colormode, GL2PScontext::colorsize, gl2ps, GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND, gl2psPrintf(), gl2psPrintSVGHeader(), gl2psSVGGetColorString(), GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, GL_FALSE, GL_FEEDBACK, GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE, GL_RGBA, glGetFloatv(), glGetIntegerv(), glRenderMode(), h, GL2PScontext::header, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::viewport, w, x, and y.

static void gl2psPrintSVGDash ( GLushort  pattern,
GLint  factor 
) [static]

Definition at line 4978 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References array, gl2psParseStipplePattern(), and gl2psPrintf().

Referenced by gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive().

static GLint gl2psPrintSVGEndViewport ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 5197 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psPrintf(), and gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static void gl2psPrintSVGFinalPrimitive ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 5206 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psEndSVGLine().

static void gl2psPrintSVGFooter ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 5146 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psPrintf(), and gl2psPrintGzipFooter().

static void gl2psPrintSVGHeader ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 4858 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::bgcolor, gl2ps, GL2PS_COPYRIGHT, GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND, GL2PS_EXTRA_VERSION, GL2PS_LANDSCAPE, GL2PS_MAJOR_VERSION, GL2PS_MINOR_VERSION, GL2PS_PATCH_VERSION, gl2psPrintf(), gl2psPrintGzipHeader(), gl2psSVGGetColorString(), height, int, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::producer, GL2PScontext::title, GL2PScontext::viewport, width, x, and y.

Referenced by gl2psPrintSVGBeginViewport().

static void gl2psPrintSVGPixmap ( GLfloat  ,
GLfloat  ,
) [static]

Definition at line 5006 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References c, GL2PS_WARNING, gl2psListCreate(), gl2psListDelete(), gl2psListNbr(), gl2psMsg(), gl2psPrintf(), GL2PSimage::height, GL2PSimage::width, x, and y.

Referenced by gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive().

static void gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 5038 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSstring::alignment, GL2PSprimitive::culled, GL2PSprimitive::data, Reflex::F, GL2PSprimitive::factor, GL2PSstring::fontname, GL2PSstring::fontsize, gl2ps, GL2PS_LINE, GL2PS_OCCLUSION_CULL, GL2PS_PIXMAP, GL2PS_POINT, GL2PS_QUADRANGLE, GL2PS_SPECIAL, GL2PS_SVG, GL2PS_TEXT, GL2PS_TRIANGLE, GL2PS_WARNING, gl2psEndSVGLine(), gl2psMsg(), gl2psPrintf(), gl2psPrintSVGDash(), gl2psPrintSVGPixmap(), gl2psPrintSVGSmoothTriangle(), gl2psSameColor(), gl2psSamePosition(), gl2psSetLastColor(), gl2psSVGGetColorString(), gl2psSVGGetCoordsAndColors(), GL2PSprimitive::image, GL2PScontext::lastfactor, GL2PScontext::lastlinewidth, GL2PScontext::lastpattern, GL2PScontext::lastrgba, GL2PScontext::lastvertex, newline, GL2PSprimitive::numverts, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PSprimitive::pattern, GL2PSvertex::rgba, GL2PSstring::str, GL2PSprimitive::text, GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, GL2PSprimitive::width, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

static void gl2psPrintSVGSmoothTriangle ( GL2PSxyz  xyz[3],
GL2PSrgba  rgba[3] 
) [static]

Definition at line 4911 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References Reflex::F, gl2ps, gl2psPrintf(), gl2psSameColorThreshold(), gl2psSVGGetColorString(), and GL2PScontext::threshold.

Referenced by gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive().

static void gl2psPrintTeXBeginViewport ( GLint  [4]  )  [static]

Definition at line 3324 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, gl2psPrintTeXHeader(), GL_FALSE, GL_FEEDBACK, glRenderMode(), and GL2PScontext::header.

static GLint gl2psPrintTeXEndViewport ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3334 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static void gl2psPrintTeXFinalPrimitive ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3339 of file gl2ps.cxx.

static void gl2psPrintTeXFooter ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3318 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References fprintf(), gl2ps, GL2PS_LANDSCAPE, GL2PScontext::options, and GL2PScontext::stream.

static void gl2psPrintTeXHeader ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 3215 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::filename, fprintf(), gl2ps, GL2PS_COPYRIGHT, GL2PS_EXTRA_VERSION, GL2PS_LANDSCAPE, GL2PS_MAJOR_VERSION, GL2PS_MINOR_VERSION, GL2PS_PATCH_VERSION, name, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::producer, strcpy(), GL2PScontext::stream, GL2PScontext::title, and GL2PScontext::viewport.

Referenced by gl2psPrintTeXBeginViewport().

static void gl2psPrintTeXPrimitive ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3256 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PSstring::alignment, GL2PSstring::angle, GL2PSprimitive::data, GL2PSstring::fontsize, fprintf(), gl2ps, GL2PS_SPECIAL, GL2PS_TEX, GL2PS_TEXT, GL2PS_TEXT_B, GL2PS_TEXT_BL, GL2PS_TEXT_BR, GL2PS_TEXT_C, GL2PS_TEXT_CL, GL2PS_TEXT_CR, GL2PS_TEXT_T, GL2PS_TEXT_TL, GL2PS_TEXT_TR, GL2PSvertex::rgba, GL2PSstring::str, GL2PScontext::stream, GL2PSprimitive::text, GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

static GLfloat gl2psPsca ( GLfloat a,
GLfloat b 
) [static]

Definition at line 1081 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psCutEdge().

static void gl2psPutPDFImage ( GL2PSimage image,
int  cnt,
GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y 
) [static]

Definition at line 3426 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, gl2psPrintf(), image, and GL2PScontext::streamlength.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream().

static void gl2psPutPDFText ( GL2PSstring text,
int  cnt,
GLfloat  x,
GLfloat  y 
) [static]

Definition at line 3415 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, gl2psPrintf(), GL2PScontext::streamlength, and text().

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream().

static void gl2psPvec ( GLfloat a,
GLfloat b,
GLfloat c 
) [static]

Definition at line 1086 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psGetNormal().

static void* gl2psRealloc ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size 
) [static]

Definition at line 328 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_ERROR, gl2psMsg(), NULL, and realloc().

Referenced by gl2psListRealloc(), and gl2psPrintPDFFooter().

static void gl2psRescaleAndOffset (  )  [static]

Definition at line 1637 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References Reflex::F, gl2ps, GL2PS_LINE, GL2PS_SIMPLE_LINE_OFFSET, GL2PS_SIMPLE_SORT, GL2PS_ZERO, GL2PS_ZOFFSET, GL2PS_ZOFFSET_LARGE, GL2PS_ZSCALE, gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), j, GL2PSprimitive::numverts, GL2PScontext::options, GL2PScontext::primitives, GL2PScontext::sort, GL2PSprimitive::type, units, GL2PSprimitive::verts, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static void gl2psResetPostScriptColor ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 2900 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, and GL2PScontext::lastrgba.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive().

static GLboolean gl2psSameColor ( GL2PSrgba  rgba1,
GL2PSrgba  rgba2 
) [static]

Definition at line 688 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_ZERO, GL_FALSE, and GL_TRUE.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListInit(), gl2psPrintPGFColor(), gl2psPrintPostScriptColor(), gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive(), gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive(), and gl2psVertsSameColor().

static GLboolean gl2psSameColorThreshold ( int  n,
GL2PSrgba  rgba[],
GL2PSrgba  threshold 
) [static]

Definition at line 709 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References ROOT::Math::fabs(), GL_FALSE, and GL_TRUE.

Referenced by gl2psPrintSVGSmoothTriangle().

static GLboolean gl2psSamePosition ( GL2PSxyz  p1,
GL2PSxyz  p2 
) [static]

Definition at line 1058 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_ZERO, GL_FALSE, and GL_TRUE.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(), gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive(), and gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive().

static void gl2psSetLastColor ( GL2PSrgba  rgba  )  [static]

Definition at line 726 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, and GL2PScontext::lastrgba.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFStrokeColor(), gl2psPrintPGFColor(), gl2psPrintPostScriptColor(), and gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive().

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psSetOptions ( GLint  options  ) 

Definition at line 5998 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, GL2PS_SUCCESS, GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED, and GL2PScontext::options.

static void gl2psSortOutTrianglePDFgroup ( GL2PSpdfgroup gro  )  [static]

Definition at line 3556 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PScontext::extgs_stack, gl2ps, GL2PS_TRIANGLE, gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive(), gl2psListNbr(), gl2psListPointer(), GL_TRUE, GL2PSpdfgroup::gsno, GL2PSpdfgroup::gsobjno, GL2PSpdfgroup::maskshno, GL2PSpdfgroup::maskshobjno, GL2PScontext::mshader_stack, NULL, GL2PScontext::objects_stack, GL2PSpdfgroup::ptrlist, GL2PScontext::shader_stack, GL2PSpdfgroup::shno, GL2PSpdfgroup::shobjno, t, T_ALPHA_1, T_ALPHA_LESS_1, T_CONST_COLOR, T_VAR_ALPHA, T_VAR_COLOR, GL2PSpdfgroup::trgroupno, GL2PScontext::trgroupobjects_stack, GL2PSpdfgroup::trgroupobjno, and GL2PSprimitive::type.

Referenced by gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream().

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psSpecial ( GLint  format,
const char *  str 

Definition at line 5794 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References Reflex::F, GL2PS_SPECIAL, and gl2psAddText().

static GLint gl2psSplitPrimitive ( GL2PSprimitive prim,
GL2PSplane  plane,
GL2PSprimitive **  front,
GL2PSprimitive **  back 
) [static]

Definition at line 1300 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References d, GL2PS_COINCIDENT, GL2PS_EPSILON, GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF, GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF, GL2PS_POINT, GL2PS_SPANNING, gl2psAddIndex(), gl2psComparePointPlane(), gl2psGetIndex(), j, GL2PSprimitive::numverts, type, GL2PSprimitive::type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psBuildBspTree().

static void gl2psSplitPrimitive2D ( GL2PSprimitive prim,
GL2PSplane  plane,
GL2PSprimitive **  front,
GL2PSprimitive **  back 
) [static]

Definition at line 1919 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References flag, gl2psCheckPoint(), NULL, GL2PSprimitive::numverts, v1, GL2PSprimitive::verts, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psAddInBspImageTree().

static GLboolean gl2psSupportedBlendMode ( GLenum  sfactor,
GLenum  dfactor 
) [static]

Definition at line 932 of file gl2ps.cxx.


Referenced by gl2psBlendFunc().

static void gl2psSVGGetColorString ( GL2PSrgba  rgba,
char  str[32] 
) [static]

Definition at line 4847 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References b, g, int, and sprintf().

Referenced by gl2psPrintSVGBeginViewport(), gl2psPrintSVGHeader(), gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive(), and gl2psPrintSVGSmoothTriangle().

static void gl2psSVGGetCoordsAndColors ( int  n,
GL2PSvertex verts,
GL2PSxyz xyz,
GL2PSrgba rgba 
) [static]

Definition at line 4833 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, j, GL2PScontext::viewport, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive().

static GLint gl2psTestSplitPrimitive ( GL2PSprimitive prim,
GL2PSplane  plane 
) [static]

Definition at line 1269 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References d, GL2PS_COINCIDENT, gl2psComparePointPlane(), j, GL2PSprimitive::numverts, type, GL2PSprimitive::verts, and GL2PSvertex::xyz.

Referenced by gl2psFindRoot().

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psText ( const char *  str,
const char *  fontname,
GLshort  fontsize 

Definition at line 5789 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References Reflex::F, GL2PS_TEXT, GL2PS_TEXT_BL, and gl2psAddText().

GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psTextOpt ( const char *  str,
const char *  fontname,
GLshort  fontsize,
GLint  alignment,
GLfloat  angle 

Definition at line 5783 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References GL2PS_TEXT, and gl2psAddText().

static void gl2psTraverseBspTree ( GL2PSbsptree tree,
GL2PSxyz  eye,
GLfloat  epsilon,
GLboolean(*)(GLfloat f1, GLfloat f2)  compare,
void(*)(void *data action,
int  inverse 
) [static]

Definition at line 1601 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References _GL2PSbsptree::back, compare(), _GL2PSbsptree::front, gl2psComparePointPlane(), gl2psListAction(), gl2psListActionInverse(), GL_TRUE, _GL2PSbsptree::plane, _GL2PSbsptree::primitives, and result().

Referenced by gl2psPrintPrimitives().

static int gl2psTrianglesFirst ( const void *  a,
const void *  b 
) [static]

Definition at line 1416 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References w.

Referenced by gl2psBuildBspTree().

static GLboolean gl2psVertsSameColor ( const GL2PSprimitive prim  )  [static]

Definition at line 697 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psSameColor(), GL_FALSE, GL2PSprimitive::numverts, GL2PSvertex::rgba, and GL2PSprimitive::verts.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive().

static size_t gl2psWriteBigEndian ( unsigned long  data,
size_t  bytes 
) [static]

Definition at line 345 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2ps, i, long, size, size_t, and GL2PScontext::stream.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPDFPixmap().

static void gl2psWriteByte ( unsigned char  byte  )  [static]

Definition at line 2425 of file gl2ps.cxx.

References gl2psPrintf(), h, and l.

Referenced by gl2psPrintPostScriptImagemap(), and gl2psPrintPostScriptPixmap().

Variable Documentation

GL2PScontext* gl2ps = NULL [static]

Definition at line 285 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psAdaptVertexForBlending(), gl2psAddInBspImageTree(), gl2psAddInImageTree(), gl2psAddPolyPrimitive(), gl2psAddText(), gl2psBeginPage(), gl2psBeginViewport(), gl2psBlendFunc(), gl2psClosePDFDataStream(), gl2psComputeTightBoundingBox(), gl2psDisable(), gl2psDrawImageMap(), gl2psDrawPixels(), gl2psEnable(), gl2psEndPage(), gl2psEndPostScriptLine(), gl2psEndSVGLine(), gl2psEndViewport(), gl2psFindRoot(), gl2psGetOptions(), gl2psGetVertex(), gl2psLineWidth(), gl2psMsg(), gl2psOpenPDFDataStream(), gl2psOpenPDFDataStreamWritePreface(), gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(), gl2psPDFgroupListDelete(), gl2psPDFgroupListInit(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteFontResources(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteGStateResources(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteShaderResources(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteVariableResources(), gl2psPDFgroupListWriteXObjectResources(), gl2psPDFstacksInit(), gl2psPointSize(), gl2psPrintf(), gl2psPrintGzipFooter(), gl2psPrintGzipHeader(), gl2psPrintPDFBeginViewport(), gl2psPrintPDFCatalog(), gl2psPrintPDFCompressorType(), gl2psPrintPDFDataStreamLength(), gl2psPrintPDFEndViewport(), gl2psPrintPDFFooter(), gl2psPrintPDFGSObject(), gl2psPrintPDFHeader(), gl2psPrintPDFInfo(), gl2psPrintPDFOpenPage(), gl2psPrintPDFPages(), gl2psPrintPDFPixmap(), gl2psPrintPDFPrimitive(), gl2psPrintPDFShader(), gl2psPrintPDFShaderExtGS(), gl2psPrintPDFShaderMask(), gl2psPrintPDFShaderSimpleExtGS(), gl2psPrintPDFText(), gl2psPrintPGFBeginViewport(), gl2psPrintPGFColor(), gl2psPrintPGFDash(), gl2psPrintPGFEndViewport(), gl2psPrintPGFFooter(), gl2psPrintPGFHeader(), gl2psPrintPGFPrimitive(), gl2psPrintPostScriptBeginViewport(), gl2psPrintPostScriptColor(), gl2psPrintPostScriptDash(), gl2psPrintPostScriptHeader(), gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive(), gl2psPrintPrimitives(), gl2psPrintSVGBeginViewport(), gl2psPrintSVGHeader(), gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive(), gl2psPrintSVGSmoothTriangle(), gl2psPrintTeXBeginViewport(), gl2psPrintTeXFooter(), gl2psPrintTeXHeader(), gl2psPrintTeXPrimitive(), gl2psPutPDFImage(), gl2psPutPDFText(), gl2psRescaleAndOffset(), gl2psResetPostScriptColor(), gl2psSetLastColor(), gl2psSetOptions(), gl2psSortOutTrianglePDFgroup(), gl2psSVGGetCoordsAndColors(), and gl2psWriteBigEndian().

GL2PSbackend* gl2psbackends[] [static]

Initial value:

Definition at line 5458 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Referenced by gl2psBeginPage(), gl2psBeginViewport(), gl2psEndPage(), gl2psEndViewport(), gl2psGetFileExtension(), gl2psGetFormatDescription(), and gl2psPrintPrimitives().

GL2PSbackend gl2psEPS [static]

Initial value:

Definition at line 3198 of file gl2ps.cxx.

GL2PSbackend gl2psPDF [static]

Initial value:

Definition at line 4816 of file gl2ps.cxx.

GL2PSbackend gl2psPGF [static]

Initial value:

Definition at line 5438 of file gl2ps.cxx.

GL2PSbackend gl2psPS [static]

Initial value:

Definition at line 3187 of file gl2ps.cxx.

GL2PSbackend gl2psSVG [static]

Initial value:

Definition at line 5214 of file gl2ps.cxx.

GL2PSbackend gl2psTEX [static]

Initial value:

Definition at line 3345 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Generated on Tue Jul 5 15:59:40 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1