stress.cxx File Reference

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TSystem.h>
#include <TH1.h>
#include <TH2.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TMath.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TF2.h>
#include <TProfile.h>
#include <TKey.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TGraph.h>
#include <TRandom.h>
#include <TPostScript.h>
#include <TNtuple.h>
#include <TTreeCache.h>
#include <TChain.h>
#include <TCut.h>
#include <TCutG.h>
#include <TEventList.h>
#include <TBenchmark.h>
#include <TApplication.h>
#include <TClassTable.h>
#include "Event.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void stress (Int_t nevent, Int_t style, Int_t printSubBenchmark, UInt_t portion)
void stress1 ()
void stress2 ()
void stress3 ()
void stress4 ()
void stress5 ()
void stress6 ()
void stress7 ()
void stress8 (Int_t nevent)
void stress9tree (TTree *tree, Int_t realTestNum)
void stress9 ()
void stress10 ()
void stress11 ()
void stress12 (Int_t testid)
void stress13 ()
void stress14 ()
void stress15 ()
void stress16 ()
void cleanup ()
int main (int argc, char **argv)
Double_t f1int (Double_t *x, Double_t *p)
void Bprint (Int_t id, const char *title)
Int_t stress8read (Int_t nevent)
Int_t stress8write (Int_t nevent, Int_t comp, Int_t split)
Int_t HistCompare (TH1 *h1, TH1 *h2)


int gPrintSubBench = 0
Double_t ntotin = 0
Double_t ntotout = 0

Function Documentation

void Bprint ( Int_t  id,
const char *  title 

Definition at line 250 of file stress.cxx.

References i, kMAX, and sprintf().

Referenced by stress1(), stress10(), stress11(), stress12(), stress13(), stress14(), stress15(), stress16(), stress2(), stress3(), stress4(), stress5(), stress6(), stress7(), stress8(), and stress9().

void cleanup (  ) 

Definition at line 1551 of file stress.cxx.

References gSystem, and TSystem::Unlink().

Referenced by ClassImp(), TTabCom::DetermineClass(), Krb5Authenticate(), main(), MakeCleanupScript(), TUrl::SetUrl(), ProofNtuple::SlaveTerminate(), stress(), TApplicationServer::Terminate(), and TMapFile::TMapFile().

Double_t f1int ( Double_t x,
Double_t p 

Definition at line 237 of file stress.cxx.

References TMath::Exp().

Referenced by stress1().

Int_t HistCompare ( TH1 h1,
TH1 h2 

Definition at line 851 of file stress.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), TH1::GetEntries(), TH1::GetMean(), TH1::GetRMS(), TH1::GetXaxis(), TAxis::GetXmax(), TAxis::GetXmin(), h1, and h2.

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 120 of file stress.cxx.

References gBenchmark, kFALSE, and stress().

void stress ( Int_t  nevent,
Int_t  style,
Int_t  printSubBenchmark,
UInt_t  portion 

Definition at line 147 of file stress.cxx.

References cleanup(), cp_brun, TString::Data(), TList::Delete(), TCollection::Delete(), gBenchmark, TSystem::GetBuildNode(), TBenchmark::GetCpuTime(), TSystem::Getenv(), TFile::GetFileBytesRead(), TFile::GetFileBytesWritten(), TSystem::GetFromPipe(), TDirectory::GetList(), TROOT::GetListOfFunctions(), TNamed::GetName(), TROOT::GetVersion(), TROOT::GetVersionDate(), TROOT::GetVersionTime(), gPrintSubBench, gROOT, gSystem, ntotin, ntotout, TBenchmark::Print(), TString::Resize(), TTree::SetBranchStyle(), TBenchmark::Start(), TBenchmark::Stop(), stress1(), stress10(), stress11(), stress12(), stress13(), stress14(), stress15(), stress16(), stress2(), stress3(), stress4(), stress5(), stress6(), stress7(), stress8(), and stress9().

Referenced by main().

void stress1 (  ) 

Definition at line 264 of file stress.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), TH1::Add(), Bprint(), TNamed::Clone(), f1int(), TH1::FillRandom(), TH1::Fit(), gBenchmark, TFormula::GetNpar(), TFormula::GetParameter(), gPrintSubBench, gRandom, i, TH1::Integral(), TF1::Integral(), kFALSE, kTRUE, local, ntotout, TH1::SetName(), TFormula::SetParameters(), TRandom::SetSeed(), TBenchmark::Show(), TBenchmark::Start(), and TObject::Write().

Referenced by stress(), and stressSpectrum().

void stress10 (  ) 

Definition at line 1167 of file stress.cxx.

References Bprint(), Event::Clear(), TTree::CloneTree(), TTree::Fill(), gBenchmark, TTree::GetEntries(), TTree::GetEntry(), EventHeader::GetEvtNum(), Event::GetHeader(), TDirectoryFile::GetObject(), gPrintSubBench, TObject::IsZombie(), kFALSE, kTRUE, ntotin, ntotout, Event::Reset(), TTree::SetBranchAddress(), TBenchmark::Show(), sprintf(), TBenchmark::Start(), and TFile::Write().

Referenced by stress().

void stress11 (  ) 

Definition at line 1236 of file stress.cxx.

References TChain::Add(), Bprint(), chain, TList::Delete(), TDirectory::GetList(), gROOT, ntotout, sprintf(), stress9tree(), and TCollection::Write().

Referenced by stress().

void stress12 ( Int_t  testid  ) 

Definition at line 1267 of file stress.cxx.

References Bprint(), gBenchmark, TDirectoryFile::Get(), TFile::GetBytesRead(), TDirectoryFile::GetListOfKeys(), gPrintSubBench, HistCompare(), kFALSE, kTRUE, ntotin, TBenchmark::Show(), and TBenchmark::Start().

Referenced by stress(), and stress14().

void stress13 (  ) 

Definition at line 1302 of file stress.cxx.

References TChain::Add(), Bprint(), chain, TList::Delete(), gBenchmark, TChain::GetEntries(), TTree::GetEntries(), TDirectory::GetList(), gPrintSubBench, gROOT, kFALSE, kTRUE, TChain::Merge(), ntotin, ntotout, Event::Reset(), TBenchmark::Show(), sprintf(), and TBenchmark::Start().

Referenced by stress().

void stress14 (  ) 

Definition at line 1345 of file stress.cxx.

References Bprint(), and stress12().

Referenced by stress().

void stress15 (  ) 

Definition at line 1355 of file stress.cxx.

References Bprint(), TTree::CloneTree(), TTree::CopyEntries(), TList::Delete(), TTree::Draw(), gBenchmark, TTree::GetBranch(), TFile::GetBytesRead(), TFile::GetBytesWritten(), TDirectory::GetList(), TDirectoryFile::GetObject(), gPrintSubBench, gROOT, HistCompare(), TObject::IsZombie(), kFALSE, kTRUE, ntotin, ntotout, Event::Reset(), TTree::SetBranchAddress(), TTree::SetBranchStatus(), TBranch::SetFile(), TBenchmark::Show(), TBenchmark::Start(), and TFile::Write().

Referenced by stress().

void stress16 (  ) 

Definition at line 1429 of file stress.cxx.

References a, TProfile::Approximate(), Bprint(), c, TPostScript::Close(), TObject::Draw(), fclose(), TTree::Fill(), fopen, fp, gBenchmark, gPrintSubBench, gRandom, gROOT, hp, kFALSE, kTRUE, line, TROOT::LoadClass(), nlines, ntotout, pipe, TRandom::Rndm(), s, TRandom::SetSeed(), TBenchmark::Show(), sprintf(), and TBenchmark::Start().

Referenced by stress().

void stress2 (  ) 

Definition at line 339 of file stress.cxx.

References Bprint(), gBenchmark, gPrintSubBench, kFALSE, kTRUE, Long64_t, TBenchmark::Show(), and TBenchmark::Start().

Referenced by stress(), and stressSpectrum().

void stress3 (  ) 

Definition at line 359 of file stress.cxx.

References Bprint(), gBenchmark, gPrintSubBench, i, kFALSE, kTRUE, Long64_t, ntotin, ntotout, TBenchmark::Show(), and TBenchmark::Start().

Referenced by stress().

void stress4 (  ) 

Definition at line 390 of file stress.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), Bprint(), TH2::FillRandom(), TH1::Fit(), gBenchmark, TFormula::GetParameter(), gPrintSubBench, gRandom, kFALSE, kTRUE, nentries, ntotin, ntotout, ratio, TFormula::SetParameters(), TRandom::SetSeed(), TBenchmark::Show(), TBenchmark::Start(), and TObject::Write().

Referenced by stress().

void stress5 (  ) 

Definition at line 437 of file stress.cxx.

References Bprint(), c1, TCanvas::cd(), TPostScript::Close(), TPad::Divide(), TF2::Draw(), TF1::Draw(), TH1::Draw(), fclose(), fopen, fp, gBenchmark, gPrintSubBench, gROOT, kFALSE, kTRUE, line, TROOT::LoadClass(), nlines, ntotin, ntotout, TBenchmark::Show(), and TBenchmark::Start().

Referenced by stress().

void stress6 (  ) 

Definition at line 501 of file stress.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), TH1::Add(), Bprint(), TDirectory::cd(), TList::Delete(), TH1::Fill(), TRandom::Gaus(), gBenchmark, gDirectory, TH1::GetEntries(), TDirectory::GetList(), TH1::GetMean(), TDirectory::GetObject(), TH1::GetRMS(), gPrintSubBench, gRandom, i, id, j, k, kFALSE, kTRUE, nentries, ntotin, ntotout, TRandom::Rndm(), TRandom::SetSeed(), TBenchmark::Show(), sprintf(), TBenchmark::Start(), and TDirectory::Write().

Referenced by stress().

void stress7 (  ) 

Definition at line 586 of file stress.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), TEventList::Add(), TH1::Add(), Bprint(), TNamed::Clone(), TTree::Draw(), elist, TNtuple::Fill(), TH1::Fill(), gBenchmark, gDirectory, TH1::GetEntries(), TTree::GetEntry(), TEntryList::GetEntry(), TH1::GetMean(), TEntryList::GetN(), TEventList::GetN(), TDirectory::GetObject(), TH1::GetRMS(), TArrayF::GetSum(), gPrintSubBench, gRandom, hpx, i, kFALSE, kTRUE, Long64_t, ntotin, ntotout, random, TRandom::Rannor(), TH1F::Reset(), TRandom::Rndm(), TTree::SetBranchAddress(), TTree::SetEstimate(), TTree::SetEventList(), TH1::SetName(), TGraph::SetPoint(), TRandom::SetSeed(), TCutG::SetVarX(), TCutG::SetVarY(), TBenchmark::Show(), sprintf(), TBenchmark::Start(), TObject::Write(), and TTree::Write().

Referenced by stress().

void stress8 ( Int_t  nevent  ) 

Definition at line 798 of file stress.cxx.

References Bprint(), TSystem::Exec(), gBenchmark, TClassTable::GetDict(), TNamed::GetName(), gPrintSubBench, gRandom, gSystem, kFALSE, kTRUE, TSystem::Load(), Event::Reset(), TRandom::SetSeed(), TBenchmark::Show(), TBenchmark::Start(), stress8read(), and stress8write().

Referenced by stress().

Int_t stress8read ( Int_t  nevent  ) 

Definition at line 730 of file stress.cxx.

References TFile::GetBytesRead(), TFile::GetCacheRead(), TTree::GetEntries(), TTree::GetEntry(), TDirectoryFile::GetObject(), TMath::Max(), nentries, ntotin, TTree::SetBranchAddress(), TTree::SetCacheSize(), and TTreeCache::SetLearnEntries().

Referenced by stress8().

Int_t stress8write ( Int_t  nevent,
Int_t  comp,
Int_t  split 

Definition at line 761 of file stress.cxx.

References TTree::Branch(), bufsize, Event::Build(), Event, TTree::Fill(), TFile::GetBytesWritten(), ntotout, TTree::SetAutoSave(), TFile::SetCompressionLevel(), TTree::TTree(), and TFile::Write().

Referenced by stress8().

void stress9 (  ) 

Definition at line 1144 of file stress.cxx.

References Bprint(), TList::Delete(), TDirectory::GetList(), TDirectoryFile::GetObject(), gROOT, ntotout, stress9tree(), and TCollection::Write().

Referenced by stress().

void stress9tree ( TTree tree,
Int_t  realTestNum 

Definition at line 872 of file stress.cxx.

References TDirectory::cd(), TNamed::Clone(), TTree::Draw(), TTree::Fill(), TH1::Fill(), gBenchmark, gDirectory, TDirectory::Get(), TTree::GetEntries(), TTree::GetEntry(), EventHeader::GetEvtNum(), TFile::GetFileBytesRead(), Event::GetHeader(), Event::GetHistogram(), Event::GetMatrix(), TH1::GetMean(), Event::GetNseg(), Event::GetNtrack(), Event::GetTemperature(), Event::GetTracks(), gPrintSubBench, gROOT, HistCompare(), i, kFALSE, kTRUE, ntotin, Event::Reset(), TH1F::Reset(), TTree::SetBranchAddress(), TH1::SetName(), TBenchmark::Show(), TBenchmark::Start(), t, and TObjArray::UncheckedAt().

Referenced by stress11(), and stress9().

Variable Documentation

int gPrintSubBench = 0

Definition at line 141 of file stress.cxx.

Referenced by stress(), stress1(), stress10(), stress12(), stress13(), stress15(), stress16(), stress2(), stress3(), stress4(), stress5(), stress6(), stress7(), stress8(), and stress9tree().

Double_t ntotin = 0

Definition at line 145 of file stress.cxx.

Referenced by stress(), stress10(), stress12(), stress13(), stress15(), stress3(), stress4(), stress5(), stress6(), stress7(), stress8read(), and stress9tree().

Double_t ntotout = 0

Definition at line 145 of file stress.cxx.

Referenced by stress(), stress1(), stress10(), stress11(), stress13(), stress15(), stress16(), stress3(), stress4(), stress5(), stress6(), stress7(), stress8write(), and stress9().

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