plate as EV 2

Performance of the DIRC@EIC reconstruction for different configurations of the expansion volume. Plate as EV.

  • 3-layer spherical lens with sapphire, r=[62,36] and r=[290,190] (for plate-lens-bar)
  • EV plate is 893 mm long
  • 16x16 pixels MCP-PMTs with HIQ400, CE=95%
  • pions and kaons @ 6 GeV/c; phi = 0 (no field); theta = 30 deg; vertex y-shifted by 0.5*barwidth (to hit middle of the bar)
  • 0.5 mrad tracking
  • 100 ps time precision
  • geometrical reconstruction with averaged LUT from 15M photons
  • GR with per-PMT and chromatic corrections
  • 20k tracks for pdf generation (per each particle species); 5k for determining separation
  • with the shorter plate (and older sim): plate as EV

SL lens between bars and plate (EV-plate-SL-bars)

CL lens between bars and plate (EV-plate-CL-bars)

SL lens between EV and plate (EV-SL-plate-bars)

CL lens between EV and plate (EV-CL-plate-bars)

Lens between bars and half thick plate (EV-t2plate-CL-bars and EV-t2plate-SL-bars). In both cases height of the lens is adjusted to the height of the bar:

Lens between bars and half thick plate (EV-t2plate-CL-bars and EV-t2plate-SL-bars) in zoom for CL. Sides of the first and the third layer of the lens are reflective. Second's is absorbing.

Photon yield without cuts:

TI, 20k pdf for each particle species:

TI, 40k pdf for each particle species:

Without lens. TI, 20k pdf for each particle species:

Without lens. TI, 40k pdf for each particle species:

Per-angle plots: