Performance of the Barrel DIRC for bars with rounded sides.
- PandaRoot simulations without field
- configuration with narrow bars, 3 layer spherical lens, and 8 MCPs layout with ~17 mm gap
- default radii of the lenses ([95,50])
- pions and kaons @ p = 3.5 GeV/c @ theta = 22 deg @ phi = 10.825 deg
- time-imaging reconstruction with full-simulated pdfs
- 30k tracks for pdf generation (per each particle species); 5k for determining separation
- ~2 mrad tracking resolution
- realistic time precision
- QE=18(24)% ( black curve). CE=95%
- spatial QE = 1
Bar with rounded sides:
Geant4 (pandaroot) simulation with 1000 mkm sagitta:
Geometrical reconstruction (without per-pmt Cherenkov angle correction):
Difference between 10 mkm (red) and 100 mkm (blue):
Different shapes of the edges:
Geometrical reconstruction (with per-pmt Cherenkov angle correction):
Time imaging with PDFs from imperfect bar (with corresponding shape):
Time imaging with PDFs from ideal bar:
Deviation of the photon direction relative to the initial vector as the function of number of reflections (10 mkm). Example for 3 photons using "shape d":
Accumulation for ~2k photons:
100 mkm:
Shape f with 100 mkm:
Cancellation in shape f: