stream  0.10.0
stream analysis framework
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CRawDataRecInternal raw data for base::Buffer
 CBufferMemory management class
 CEventEvent - collection of several subevents
 CEventProcAbstract processor of build events
 CIteratorIterator over raw data messages
 CSyncMarkerSync marker
 CLocalTimeMarkerLocal time marker
 CGlobalMarkerGlobal time marker
 CMessageROC Message
 COpticSplitterThis is splitter of raw data, recorded by the optic readout Current ABB firmware mix data from all ROCs together, therefore OpticSplitter required to resort raw data per buffer
 CProcessorAbstract processor
 CProcMgrCentral data and process manager
 CProfilerPerformance profiler
 CProfilerGuardGuard class to use base::Profiler
 CQueueQueue class
 CIteratorIterator over queue elements
 CRecordsQueueSpecial case of the queue when structure or class is used as entry of the queue
 CStreamProcAbstract processor of data streams
 CSubEventSubEvent - base class for all event structures Need for: virtual destructor - to be able delete any instance Reset - to be able reset (clean) all collections
 CMessageExtExtended message - any message plus global time stamp
 CSubEventExSubevent with vector of extended messages
 CSysCoreProcSysCoreProc is base class for many processors of data, provided by SysCore2/3 boards
 CLocalStampConverterLocalStampConverter class should perform conversion of time stamps to time in seconds
 CFileInterfaceDefines and implements basic POSIX file interface
 CBasicFileBase class for file writing/reading in DABC
 CBinaryFileHeaderBinary file header structure
 CBinaryFileBufHeaderBinary file buffer header structure
 CBinaryFileGeneric file storage for DABC buffers
 CAdcMessageAdcMessage is wrapper for data, produced by FPGA struct is used to avoid any potential overhead
 CAdcProcessorThis is specialized sub-processor for ADC addon
 CChannelRecChannel record
 CHldFileReading of HLD files
 CHldMessageHLD message
 CHldSubEventHLD subevent
 CHldFilterHLD filter
 CHldProcessorHLD processor
 CMonitorProcessorProcessor of monitored data
 CMessageMonitorMonitor message
 CSpillProcessorThis is specialized process for spill structures
 CStartProcessorThis is specialized process for spill structures
 CSubProcessorAbstract processor of HADAQ sub-sub-event
 CTdcIteratorTDC iterator
 CTdcMessageTDC message
 CTdcProcessorTDC processor
 CChannelRecTDC channel record
 CMessageFloatOutput float message
 CMessageDoubleOutput double message
 CTrbIteratorIterator over TRB events/subevents
 CTrbMessageMessage used for ROOT tree storage, similar to TdcMessage and AdcMessage
 CTrbProcessorTRB processor
 CHadTuHADES transport unit header used as base for event and subevent also common envelope for trd network data packets
 CHadTuIdIntermediate hierarchy class as common base for event and subevent
 CRawEventHADES raw event
 CRawSubeventRaw hades subevent
 CProcessorThis could be generic processor for data, coming from MBS For the moment it is rather CERN beamtime-specific code
 CSubEventSubevent with MBS data
 CTFirstStepProcessorHandler for first.C in go4
 CTHookProcHook processor to regularly execute code during events processing
 CTRootProcMgrProcessors manager for using in ROOT environment
 CTStreamEventEnvelope for base::Event event in go4
 CTUserSourceCustom user source to read files formats supported by stream framework