A. Görgen: Gamma-ray spectroscopy I fusion reaction, Ge-detector arrays, SD-bands
A. Görgen: Gamma-ray spectroscopy II angular distribution, linear polarization, particle detection A. Görgen: Gamma-ray spectroscopy III transfermium nuclei, lifetime measurements A. Görgen: Gamma-ray spectroscopy IV isomer spectroscopy, E0-transition, Coulomb excitation, RISING A. Görgen: Shapes and shape coexistence Coulomb excitation, SD-bands A. Görgen: Shapes and electromagnetic moments Coulomb excitation |
A. Jungclaus: High spin physics instrumentation, experimental techniques, examples
A. Jungclaus: High spin physics Ge-arrays, particle detection, N=Z A. Jungclaus: High spin physics SD-bands, heavy elements A. Jungclaus: High spin physics recoil decay tagging, Miniball, AGATA |
D. Radford: Collective Excitations SD-bands, symmetries
D. Radford: Collective Excitations Ge-arrays, band termination, SD-bands, GDR, intermediate Coulomb excitation D. Radford: Collective Excitations intermediate Coulomb excitation, 132Sn |
F.G. Kondev: Experimental Nuclear Structure Part 1: nuclear reactions, lifetime, log ft, γ-ray decay
F.G. Kondev: Experimental Nuclear Structure Part 2: isomer, γ-arrays |
P. Van Isacker: Nuclear Structure Part 1: Single-particle models
P. Van Isacker: Nuclear Structure Part 2: Collective models P. Van Isacker: Symmetry approach to nuclear collective motion II |