v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TH1

Uses of TH1 in

Methods in that return TH1
virtual const TH1*TH1.DrawCopy(Option_t* option)
virtual const TH1*TH1.DrawNormalized(Option_t* option, Double_t norm)
TH1*TH1.GetAsymmetry(TH1* h2, Double_t c2, Double_t dc2)
virtual TH1*TH1.Rebin(Int_t ngroup, const char * newname)

Methods in with parameters of type TH1
virtual voidTH1.Add(const TH1* h1, const TH1* h2, Double_t c1, Double_t c2)
virtual voidTH1.Add(const TH1* h1, Double_t c1)
virtual voidTH1.Divide(const TH1* h1, const TH1* h2, Double_t c1, Double_t c2, Option_t* option)
virtual voidTH1.Divide(const TH1* h1)
virtual voidTH1.FillRandom(TH1* h, Int_t ntimes)
TH1*TH1.GetAsymmetry(TH1* h2, Double_t c2, Double_t dc2)
virtual const Double_tTH1.KolmogorovTest(TH1* h2, Option_t* option)
virtual voidTH1.Multiply(const TH1* h1, const TH1* h2, Double_t c1, Double_t c2, Option_t* option)
virtual voidTH1.Multiply(const TH1* h1)

Uses of TH1 in Go4Analysis

Methods in Go4Analysis that return TH1
TH1*TGo4Analysis.GetHistogram(const Text_t* name)
          Search histogram in histogram list (directory).
TH1*TGo4AnalysisObjectManager.GetHistogram(const Text_t* name)
          Search histogram in histogram list (directory).
TH1*TGo4AnalysisObjectManager.MakeH1(const Text_t* histotype, const Text_t* foldername, const Text_t* histoname, Int_t nbinsx, Axis_t xlow, Axis_t xup, const Text_t* title, const Text_t* xtitle, const Text_t* ytitle)
          Create 1-dim histogram in histogram folder.

Methods in Go4Analysis with parameters of type TH1
Bool_tTGo4Analysis.AddHistogram(TH1* his, const Text_t* subfolder, Bool_t replace)
          Add external histogram to go4 histogram directory.
Bool_tTGo4AnalysisObjectManager.AddHistogram(TH1* his, const Text_t* subfolder, Bool_t replace)
          Add external histogram to go4 histogram directory.
voidTGo4ExportManager.Export(TH1* histo)
          Conversion of histogram into filter format file
private voidTGo4ExportManager.ExportASCII(TH1* histo, Bool_t channels)
          Conversion of histogram into ascii file.
private voidTGo4ExportManager.ExportRadware(TH1* histo)
          Conversion of histogram into radware file

Uses of TH1 in Go4ConditionsBase

Fields in Go4ConditionsBase declared as TH1
protected TH1*TGo4Condition.fxCutHis
          temporary histogram used to calculate statistics on
polygon cuts.
private TH1*TGo4Condition.fxHisto
          Reference to currently used histogram (for statistics boxes).
private TH1*TGo4Marker.fxHisto
          Reference to currently used histogram (for bin contents).

Methods in Go4ConditionsBase that return TH1
          access work histogram reference

Methods in Go4ConditionsBase with parameters of type TH1
virtual Double_tTGo4CondArray.GetCMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4CondArray.GetIntegral(TH1* histo, Option_t* opt)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4CondArray.GetMean(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4CondArray.GetRMS(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4CondArray.GetXMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4CondArray.GetYMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4Condition.GetCMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4Condition.GetIntegral(TH1* histo, Option_t* opt)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4Condition.GetMean(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4Condition.GetRMS(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4Condition.GetXMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4Condition.GetYMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
voidTGo4Condition.SetWorkHistogram(TH1* histo)
          Set reference to work histogram for statistics functions.
voidTGo4Marker.SetHistogram(TH1* histo)
private TH2*TGo4PolyCond.CreateCutHistogram(TH1* source)
          Create clone of source histogram that only has
contents for bins inside the current TCutG.
virtual Double_tTGo4PolyCond.GetCMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4PolyCond.GetIntegral(TH1* histo, Option_t* opt)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4PolyCond.GetMean(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4PolyCond.GetRMS(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4PolyCond.GetXMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4PolyCond.GetYMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4WinCond.GetCMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4WinCond.GetIntegral(TH1* histo, Option_t* opt)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4WinCond.GetMean(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4WinCond.GetRMS(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4WinCond.GetXMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
virtual Double_tTGo4WinCond.GetYMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
private voidTGo4WinCond.RestoreHistogramRanges(TH1* histo)
          Restore original ranges of current histo.
private voidTGo4WinCond.SetHistogramRanges(TH1* histo)
          Remember ranges of current histo and set range to active window.

Uses of TH1 in Go4DynamicList

Fields in Go4DynamicList declared as TH1
private TH1*TGo4HistogramEntry.fxHistogram
          The (histogram) object kept by this entry.

Methods in Go4DynamicList with parameters of type TH1
voidTGo4DynamicEntry.CleanupHistogram(TH1* his)
          If histogram his matches the internal histogram, the
reference to internal histogram will be reset to 0.
virtual voidTGo4DynamicList.CleanupHistogram(TH1* his)
          Remove reference to histogram his from all dynamic list entries.
virtual voidTGo4HistogramEntry.CleanupHistogram(TH1* his)
          If histogram his matches the internal histogram, the
reference to internal histogram will be reset to 0.
protected voidTGo4HistogramEntryStatus.SetHistogram(TH1* his)

Uses of TH1 in Go4Event

Methods in Go4Event that return TH1
TH1*TGo4EventProcessor.GetHistogram(const Text_t* name)
          Get histogram from go4 framework.

Methods in Go4Event with parameters of type TH1
Bool_tTGo4EventProcessor.AddHistogram(TH1* his, const Text_t* subfolder, Bool_t replace)
          Register histogram to go4 framework.

Uses of TH1 in Go4Example2Step

Fields in Go4Example2Step declared as TH1
          Reference to histogram containing the calibration spectrum

Constructors in Go4Example2Step with parameters of type TH1
TXXXCalibPar.TXXXCalibPar(Text_t* name, TH1* spectrum, TGraph* curve)

Uses of TH1 in Go4Fit

Constructors in Go4Fit with parameters of type TH1
TGo4FitDataHistogram.TGo4FitDataHistogram(const char * iName, TH1* , Bool_t iHistogramOwned, Bool_t AddAmpl)
          Creates TGo4FitDataHistogram object with provided name.
TGo4FitModelFromData.TGo4FitModelFromData(const char * iName, TH1* , Bool_t iOwned, Bool_t Amplitude)
          Creates TGo4FitModelFromData object with given name, which uses external histogram as model component.

Methods in Go4Fit that return TH1
          Return pointer on assigned histogram.
TH1*TGo4FitDataIter.CreateHistogram(const char * HistoName, Bool_t UseRanges, Bool_t SetBins)
          Create histogram (if possible) with appropriate to data object dimensions number and size.

Methods in Go4Fit with parameters of type TH1
voidTGo4FitDataHistogram.SetHistogram(TH1* iHistogram, Bool_t iHistogramOwned)
          Set histogram to object.
TGo4FitDataHistogram*TGo4Fitter.AddH1(const char * DataName, TH1* histo, Bool_t Owned, Double_t lrange, Double_t rrange)
          Create TGo4FitDataHistogram object and adds its to fitter.
TGo4FitDataHistogram*TGo4Fitter.SetH1(const char * DataName, TH1* histo, Bool_t Owned)
          Set histogram to existing TGo4FitDataHistogram object

Uses of TH1 in Go4GUI

Fields in Go4GUI declared as TH1
private TH1*TGo4WindowEditSlots.fxHisto
          reference to currently used histogram

Methods in Go4GUI with parameters of type TH1
private boolTGo4MainWindow.CheckHistogram(const char * name, TH1* hist)
          test histogram of name is in one of the browser lists
voidTGo4PreviewPanelSlots.UpdatePad(TPad* Pad, TH1* h1, Bool_t updatemarkers, Bool_t updateoptions)
          Synchronize padoptions of pad with setup of root histogram h1.
if updatemarkers is true, also do scan graph markers and assign
their work histogram.

Uses of TH1 in Go4HistogramServer

Constructors in Go4HistogramServer with parameters of type TH1
TGo4MbsHist.TGo4MbsHist(TH1* histo)
          Create queue object from a single histogram
in this case, histogram header will fill s_his_head,
and data is copied to fiBuffer

Methods in Go4HistogramServer with parameters of type TH1
private voidTGo4MbsHist.PrepareHeader(TH1* source, const char * path, s_his_head* target)
          extract header information from histogram to mbs header structur

Uses of TH1 in Go4StatusAnalysis

Constructors in Go4StatusAnalysis with parameters of type TH1
TGo4HistogramStatus.TGo4HistogramStatus(TH1* his, Bool_t allstatistics)
          Create status from given histogram object.

Uses of TH1 in Go4StatusBase

Methods in Go4StatusBase with parameters of type TH1
voidTGo4Picture.AddH1(Int_t posy, Int_t posx, TH1* histo, Option_t* DrawOption)
voidTGo4Picture.AddH1(TH1* histo, Option_t* DrawOption)

Uses of TH1 in Go4TaskHandlerExample

Methods in Go4TaskHandlerExample that return TH1

Methods in Go4TaskHandlerExample with parameters of type TH1
private voidTGo4ExampleClientStatus.SetHistoStatus(TH1* histogram)
          Set histogram status

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
