Caqua::SendHeader | Client transport for A1 DAQ |
►Cbase::ProcMgr | |
Cstream::DabcProcMgr | |
Cdabc::AutoDestroyClass | |
Cdabc::Average | Helper class to calculate average value |
►Cdabc::BasicFile | Base class for file writing/reading in DABC |
Cdabc::BinaryFile | Generic file storage for DABC buffers |
Chadaq::HldFile | HLD file implementation |
Cmbs::LmdFile | Reading/writing LMD files (new API) |
Cdabc::BinaryFileBufHeader | Binary file buffer header structure |
Cdabc::BinaryFileHeader | Binary file header structure |
Cdabc::BuffersQueue | Queue of buffers |
Cdabc::CommandContainer::CallerRec | |
Cdabc::CommandsQueue | Queue of commands |
Cdabc::CommandsQueue::QueueRec | |
Cdabc::Condition | Posix pthread condition |
►Cdabc::ConfigBase | Base class to read configuration from xml file |
Cdabc::Configuration | Full-functional class to reading configuration from xml files |
Cdabc::ConfigIO | Interface class between xml configuration and dabc objects |
Cdabc::CpuStatistic | Helper class to get CPU statistic |
Cdabc::CpuStatistic::SingleCpu | |
►Cdabc::DataInput | Interface for implementing any kind of data input |
►Cdabc::FileInput | Interface for implementing file inputs |
Cdabc::BinaryFileInput | Binary file input object |
Chadaq::HldInput | Implementation of file input for HLD files |
Cmbs::LmdInput | Input for LMD files (lmd:) |
Cmbs::TextInput | Text LMD input |
Cezca::EpicsInput | The epics easy channel access data input implementation |
Cmbs::ClientTransport | Client transport for different kinds of MBS server |
Cmbs::GeneratorInput | Input object for MBS-events generator |
Csaftdabc::Input | The saftlib timing message input implementation for DABC |
Cuser::Input | |
►Cdabc::DataOutput | Interface for implementing any kind of data output |
Caqua::ClientOutput | |
Cdabc::BlockingOutput | |
►Cdabc::FileOutput | Interface for implementing file outputs |
Cdabc::BinaryFileOutput | Binary file output object |
Chadaq::HldOutput | Implementation of file output for HLD files |
Cmbs::LmdOutput | Output for LMD files (lmd:) |
Cmbs::ServerOutputAddon | Addon for output of server-side different kinds of MBS server |
Cdabc::DateTime | Class for holding GMT time with precision of nanoseconds |
Cdabc::DependPair | Keeps dependency between two objects |
Cdabc::EventId | Event structure, exchanged between DABC threads |
Cdabc::FactoryPlugin | Small helper class to correctly instantiate user-specific factories |
►Cdabc::FileInterface | Defines and implements basic POSIX file interface |
Cltsm::FileInterface | |
Crfio::FileInterface | |
Cdabc::HierarchyReading | |
Cdabc::HierarchyStore | |
Cdabc::HistoryItem | |
Cdabc::HStore | Class, used for direct store of records in JSON/XML form |
Cdabc::IntGuard | Guard for integer value |
►Cdabc::iostream | Class to stream binary data |
Cdabc::memstream | Iostream class, which write and read data from memory |
Cdabc::sizestream | Special class only to define how many data will be written to the stream |
Cdabc::Iterator | Iterator over objects hierarchy |
Cdabc::LockGuard | Lock guard for posix mutex |
Cdabc::Logger | Logging class |
Cdabc::LoggerEntry | |
Cdabc::LoggerLineEntry | |
Cdabc::Manager::ParamRec | |
Cdabc::MemoryBlock | |
Cdabc::MemoryBlock::Entry | |
Cdabc::MemoryPool::RequesterReq | |
Cdabc::MemSegment | Structure with descriptor of single memory segment |
Cdabc::Mutex | Posix pthread mutex |
Cdabc::MutexPtr | Pointer on posix pthread mutex |
►Cdabc::NetworkInetrface | Network interface |
Cdabc::SocketNetworkInetrface | Specific implementation of network transport for socket |
Cverbs::VerbsNetworkInetrface | Implementation of NetworkTransport for VERBS |
Cdabc::NetworkTransport::NetIORec | |
Cdabc::NetworkTransport::NetworkHeader | |
Cdabc::NewConnectRec | |
Cdabc::NumericLocale | |
►Cdabc::Object | Base class for most of the DABC classes |
Cdabc::BufferContainer | Container for data, referenced by Buffer class |
Cdabc::CleanupEnvelope< T > | Template to put any object, not derived from dabc::Object, into cleanup queue |
►Cdabc::EventsIterator | Iterator over events in dabc::Buffer class |
Chadaq::EventsIterator | |
Cmbs::EventsIterator | |
►Cdabc::EventsProducer | Producer of the events |
Chadaq::EventsProducer | |
►Cdabc::Factory | Factory for user-specific classes |
Caqua::Factory | Factory of MBS classes |
Cdabc::SocketFactory | Factory for socket classes |
Cdabc::StdManagerFactory | |
Cdim::Factory | Factory for dim control classes |
Cezca::Factory | Factory for epics eazy channel access classes |
Cfesa::Factory | Factory of MBS classes |
Cgosip::Factory | Factory of MBS classes |
Chadaq::Factory | Factory for HADAQ classes
Chttp::Factory | Factory for HTTP-related classes in DABC |
Cltsm::Factory | |
Cmbs::Factory | Factory of MBS classes |
Crfio::Factory | |
Croot::Factory | |
Csaftdabc::Factory | Factory for saftlib plugin classes |
Cstream::Factory | Factory for HADAQ classes
Cuser::Factory | |
Cverbs::Factory | Factory for VERBS classes |
Cdabc::HistoryContainer | |
Cdabc::LocalTransport | Transport between two ports on the same node |
►Cdabc::LocalWorker | |
Croot::TreeStore | |
Cdabc::MemoryContainer | Helper class to release memory, allocated independently from memory pool Object will be deleted (with memory) when last reference in buffer disappear |
►Cdabc::RecordContainer | Container for records fields |
Cdabc::CommandContainer | Container object for command which should not been seen to normal user |
Cdabc::HierarchyContainer | |
Cdabc::HistoryIterContainer | |
►Cdabc::ParameterContainer | Container for parameter object |
Cdabc::ConnectionObject | Container for connection parameters |
►Cdabc::Thread | Represent thread functionality |
Cdabc::SocketThread | Special thread class for handling sockets |
Cverbs::Thread | VERBS thread |
►Cdabc::Worker | Active object, which is working inside dabc::Thread |
Cdabc::Application | Base class for user-specific applications |
►Cdabc::Device | Base class for device implementation |
Cdabc::SocketDevice | Device for establishing socket connections |
Csaftdabc::Device | |
Cverbs::Device | Device for VERBS |
Cdabc::Manager | Manager of everything in DABC |
►Cdabc::Module | Base for dabc::ModuleSync and dabc::ModuleAsync classes |
►Cdabc::ModuleAsync | Base class for user-derived code, implementing event-processing |
Cdabc::ConnectionManager | Connections manager class |
Cdabc::CpuInfoModule | Module provides CPU information |
►Cdabc::MemoryPool | |
Cverbs::MemoryPool | Special memory pool, which automatically includes PoolRegistry |
Cdabc::MultiplexerModule | Multiplexer module |
Cdabc::RepeaterModule | Repeater module |
►Cdabc::Transport | Base class for transport implementations |
Cdabc::InputTransport | |
Cdabc::NetworkTransport | Network transport |
Cdabc::OutputTransport | Base class for output transport implementations |
Chadaq::NewTransport | |
Cmbs::ServerTransport | Server transport for different kinds of MBS server |
Cfesa::Player | Player of FESA data |
Cgosip::Player | Player of GOSIP data |
Chadaq::BnetMasterModule | Master monitor for BNet components |
Chadaq::CombinerModule | |
Chadaq::MonitorModule | Monitor of TRB slow control data |
Chadaq::SorterModule | Sorts HADAQ subevents according to trigger number |
Chadaq::TerminalModule | Terminal for HADAQ event builder |
Cmbs::CombinerModule | Combiner of several MBS inputs - event building |
►Cmbs::MonitorSlowControl | Base class for monitoring of slow control data |
Cdim::Monitor | Player of DIM data |
Cezca::Monitor | Monitor of EPICS data |
Cfesa::Monitor | Monitor for of FESA data |
Cmbs::Monitor | Interface module for MBS monitoring and control |
►Cmbs::ReadoutModule | Module, used to readout MBS data source and provide data to the user |
Chadaq::ReadoutModule | |
Cstream::RecalibrateModule | Runs code of stream framework |
Cstream::RunModule | Runs code of stream framework |
Cstream::TdcCalibrationModule | Perform calibration of FPGA TDC data |
Cdabc::ModuleSync | Base class for user-derived code, implementing main loop |
►Cdabc::ModuleItem | Base class for module items like ports, timers, pool handles |
Cdabc::ConnTimer | Special timer to reestablish port connections in the module |
►Cdabc::Port | Base class for input and output ports |
Cdabc::InputPort | Input port |
Cdabc::OutputPort | Output port |
Cdabc::PoolHandle | Handle for pool connection |
Cdabc::Timer | Provides timer event to the module |
Cdabc::Publisher | Module manages published hierarchies and provide optimize access to them |
Cdabc::SocketCommandChannel | Provides command channel to the dabc process |
Cdabc::SocketCommandClient | Client side of command connection between two nodes |
Cdabc::Thread::ExecWorker |
- helper class to use methods, available in dabc::Worker in thread itself
►Chttp::Server | Server provides http access to DABC |
Chttp::Civetweb | Server provides http access to DABC |
Chttp::FastCgi | Server provides fastcgi access to DABC |
Cmbs::DaqLogWorker | |
Cmbs::DaqRemCmdWorker | Worker to handle connection with MBS remote command server |
Cmbs::PrompterWorker | Worker to handle connection with MBS prompter |
Croot::Monitor | |
Cverbs::TimeoutWorker | Timeout producer for verbs::Thread when pipe cannot be used |
►Cdabc::WorkerAddon | Generic addon for dabc::Worker |
►Cdabc::SocketAddon | Special addon class for handling of socket and socket events |
►Cdabc::SocketConnectAddon | Socket addon for handling connection events |
Cdabc::SocketClientAddon | Socket addon for handling connection on client side |
Cdabc::SocketServerAddon | Socket addon for handling connection requests on server side |
►Cdabc::SocketIOAddon | Socket addon for handling I/O events |
Caqua::ClientOutput | |
Cdabc::SocketNetworkInetrface | Specific implementation of network transport for socket |
Cdabc::SocketProtocolAddon | |
Cmbs::ClientTransport | Client transport for different kinds of MBS server |
Cmbs::DaqStatusAddon | Addon class to retrieve status record from MBS server
Cmbs::ServerOutputAddon | Addon for output of server-side different kinds of MBS server |
Chadaq::NewAddon | |
►Cverbs::WorkerAddon | Addon for VERBS thread |
Cverbs::ProtocolAddon | Addon to establish and verify QP connection with remote node |
Cverbs::VerbsNetworkInetrface | Implementation of NetworkTransport for VERBS |
Cverbs::Context | Context for all VERBS operations |
Cverbs::PoolRegistry | Registry object for memory pool |
Cdabc::Object::ConstructorPair | Structure used to specify arguments for object constructor |
Cdabc::ParamEventReceiverRec | |
Cdabc::Pointer | Manipulator with dabc::Buffer class |
►Cdabc::PosixThread | Class represents posix pthread functionality |
Cdabc::Thread | Represent thread functionality |
Cdabc::Profiler | |
Cdabc::Profiler::Entry | |
Cdabc::ProfilerGuard | |
Cdabc::PublisherEntry | |
►Cdabc::Queue< T, canexpand > | Template of circular queue |
Cdabc::RecordsQueue< dabc::HistoryItem > | |
Cdabc::RecordsQueue< dabc::Manager::ParamRec > | |
Cdabc::Queue< T, canexpand >::Iterator | |
Cdabc::Ratemeter | Helper class to calculate data rate |
Cdabc::RecordField | |
Cdabc::RecordFieldsMap | |
►Cdabc::Reference | Reference on the arbitrary object |
Cdabc::Buffer | Reference on memory from memory pool |
Cdabc::EventsIteratorRef | |
Cdabc::EventsProducerRef | |
Cdabc::History | |
Cdabc::LocalTransportRef | Reference on the dabc::LocalTransport |
Cdabc::LocalWorkerRef | |
►Cdabc::Record | |
►Cdabc::Command | Represents command with its arguments |
Cdabc::CmdCleanupApplication | |
Cdabc::CmdConnectionManagerHandle | |
Cdabc::CmdCreateAny | |
Cdabc::CmdCreateApplication | |
Cdabc::CmdCreateDataInput | |
Cdabc::CmdCreateDevice | |
Cdabc::CmdCreateMemoryPool | |
Cdabc::CmdCreateObject | |
Cdabc::CmdCreateThread | |
Cdabc::CmdCreateTransport | |
Cdabc::CmdDataInputClosed | Base class for input transport implementations |
Cdabc::CmdDataInputFailed | |
Cdabc::CmdDeletePool | |
Cdabc::CmdDestroyDevice | |
Cdabc::CmdDestroyTransport | |
Cdabc::CmdGetBinary | Command used to produce custom binary data for published in hierarchy entries |
Cdabc::CmdGetNamesList | Command to request names list |
Cdabc::CmdGetNodesState | Command to request current state of known nodes |
Cdabc::CmdGlobalConnect | |
Cdabc::CmdHierarchyExec | Command submitted to worker when item in hierarchy defined as DABC.Command and used to produce custom binary data for published in hierarchy entries |
►Cdabc::CmdModule | |
Cdabc::CmdCreateModule | |
Cdabc::CmdDeleteModule | |
Cdabc::CmdStartModule | |
Cdabc::CmdStopModule | |
►Cdabc::CmdParameterEvent | This command used to distribute parameter event to receivers |
Cdabc::ParameterEvent | |
Cdabc::CmdPublisher | |
Cdabc::CmdSetParameter | |
Cdabc::CmdStateTransition | |
Cdabc::CmdSubscriber | |
Cdabc::CommandDefinition | Command definition class |
Cdabc::Hierarchy | Represents objects hierarchy of remote (or local) DABC process |
Cdabc::HistoryIter | |
►Cdabc::Parameter | Parameter class |
►Cdabc::ConnectionRequest | Connection request |
Cdabc::ConnectionRequestFull | Full description of connection request |
Cdabc::InfoParameter | Special info parameter class |
►Cdabc::ThreadRef | Reference on the dabc::Thread class |
Cverbs::ThreadRef | Reference on verbs::Thread |
►Cdabc::WorkerAddonRef | Reference on dabc::WorkerAddon object |
Cdabc::SocketAddonRef | |
►Cdabc::WorkerRef | Reference on dabc::Worker |
Cdabc::ApplicationRef | Reference on dabc::Application class |
►Cdabc::DeviceRef | Reference on dabc::Device class |
Csaftdabc::DeviceRef | |
Cverbs::DeviceRef | Refernce on verbs::Device |
Cdabc::ManagerRef | Reference on manager object |
►Cdabc::ModuleItemRef | Reference on dabc::ModuleItem class |
Cdabc::PortRef | Reference on the dabc::Port class |
►Cdabc::ModuleRef | Reference on dabc::Module class |
►Cdabc::ModuleAsyncRef | Reference on dabc::ModuleAsync class |
Cdabc::MemoryPoolRef | Reference on dabc::MemoryPool class |
Cdabc::TransportRef | Reference on dabc::Transport class |
Cmbs::MonitorHandle | |
►Cmbs::ReadoutHandle | Handle to organize readout of MBS data source |
Chadaq::ReadoutHandle | |
Cdabc::PublisherRef | |
Cdabc::SocketCommandClientRef | |
Croot::MonitorRef | |
Cverbs::ContextRef | Reference to verbs::Context |
Cverbs::PoolRegistryRef | Reference on verbs::PoolRegistry |
Cdabc::ReferencesVector | Vector of dabc::Reference objects |
►Cdabc::Runnable | Object which could be run inside the dabc::PosixThread |
Cdabc::Thread | Represent thread functionality |
Cdabc::SocketCmdPacket | Defines syntax of raw packet, transformed on the command channels |
Cdabc::SocketThread::ProcRec | |
Cdabc::SubscriberEntry | |
Cdabc::SXmlAttr_t | |
Cdabc::SXmlDoc_t | |
Cdabc::SXmlNode_t | |
Cdabc::Thread::RecursionGuard | |
Cdabc::Thread::TimeoutRec | |
Cdabc::Thread::WorkerRec | |
Cdabc::TimeStamp | Class for acquiring and holding timestamps |
Cdabc::UnlockGuard | Unlock guard for posix mutex |
Cdabc::Url | Uniform Resource Locator interpreter |
Cdabc::XmlInputStream | |
Cdabc::XmlOutputStream | |
Cdim::Monitor::MyEntry | |
►CDimInfoHandler | |
Cdim::Monitor | Player of DIM data |
Cfesa::BeamProfile | |
Chadaq::CombinerModule::InputCfg | |
►Chadaq::HadTu | HADES transport unit header |
►Chadaq::HadTuId | Intermediate hierarchy class as common base for event and subevent |
Chadaq::RawEvent | Hadaq event structure |
Chadaq::RawSubevent | Hadaq subevent structure |
Chadaq::ReadIterator | Read iterator for HADAQ events/subevents |
Chadaq::SorterModule::SubsComp | |
Chadaq::SorterModule::SubsRec | |
Chadaq::TerminalModule::CalibrRect | |
►Chadaq::TransportInfo | |
Chadaq::NewAddon | |
Chadaq::WriteIterator | Write iterator for HADAQ events/subevents |
Chttp::Server::Location | |
Cmbs::CombinerModule::InputCfg | Individual configuration and run parameters of each input |
Cmbs::DaqLogWorker::MbsLogRec | |
Cmbs::DaqRemCmdWorker::MbsRemCmdRec | |
Cmbs::DaqStatus | |
►Cmbs::Header | Structure of any entry in LMD file |
Cmbs::BufferHeader | MBS buffer header |
Cmbs::EventHeader | MBS event
Cmbs::FileHeader | Structure of the LMD file header |
Cmbs::SubeventHeader | MBS subevent
Cmbs::ReadIterator | Read iterator for MBS events/subevents |
Cmbs::SlowControlData | Record for manipulation with slow control data |
Cmbs::TransportInfo | MBS server info structure |
Cmbs::WriteIterator | Write iterator for MBS events/subevents |
►Cdabc::Queue< EventId, true > | |
Cdabc::Thread::EventsQueue | |
Cdabc::Queue< T, canexpand > | |
►Cdabc::Queue< T, true > | |
Cdabc::RecordsQueue< T, canexpand > | Template of queue with complex objects |
Cdabc::Queue< uint32_t > | |
Cdabc::Queue< unsigned, false > | |
Cdabc::Queue< unsigned, true > | |
CS_dsmObjName | |
Csaftdabc::Timing_Event | The saftlib input event data structure |
CsrawAPIFile | |
CsrawArchiveList | |
CsrawCliActionComm | |
CsrawComm | |
CsrawCopyCache | |
CsrawDataMover | |
CsrawDataMoverAttr | |
CsrawFileList | |
CsrawFileSystem | |
CsrawGlobalNotice | |
CsrawGlobalSocket | |
CsrawGlobalSocketData | |
CsrawObjAttr | |
CsrawObjAttrOld | |
CsrawObjNameList | |
CsrawPoolStatus | |
CsrawPoolStatusData | |
CsrawPoolStatusDMData | |
CsrawQueryResult | |
CsrawRequest | |
CsrawRetrList | |
CsrawStatus | |
CsrawTapeFileList | |
CsrawWorkSpace | |
►Cstd::exception | STL class |
Cdabc::Exception | DABC exception |
►Cstd::list< T > | STL class |
Cdabc::DependPairList | |
Cdabc::ParamEventReceiverList | |
►Cstd::vector< T > | STL class |
Cdabc::PointersVector | Specialized vector with pointers |
CSubevStat | |
►CTGo4EventProcessor | |
CTSaftProc | |
►CTGo4Parameter | |
CTSaftParam | |
►CTHttpEngine | |
CTDabcEngine | |
►CTRootSnifferStore | |
CTRootSnifferStoreDabc | |
Cverbs::ComplQueue | Wrapper for IB VERBS completion queue
Cverbs::ComplQueueContext | Context object for completion queue operations |
Cverbs::OpenSM | Interface class to opensm |
Cverbs::QueuePair | Represent VERBS queue pair functionality |