DABC (Data Acquisition Backbone Core)  2.9.9
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NaquaSupport for AQUA - A1 DAQ system
 NdabcEvent manipulation API
 NezcaEPICS E-Z (easy) channel access
 NfesaSupport for FESA - the control system of GSI/FAIR accelerator
 NgosipSupport for GOSIP - communication protocol for different software kinds
 NhadaqSupport for HADAQ - HADES DAQ
 NhttpSupport of HTTP in DABC
 NmbsSupport for MBS - standard GSI DAQ
 NsaftdabcGSI Simplified API for Timing Library (saftlib) plug-in for dabc
 NstreamSupport for stream framework in DABC
 NverbsSupport of InfiniBand verbs