1. Fine time
Three calibration methods were tested.Common linear calibration:
all channels use the same fine-bin to time transformation: time[i] -= (Hits_nFineTime[i]-31)*0.0102Differential linear calibration:
for each channel the range of fine bin distribution is used: time[i] -= 5*(Hits_nFineTime[i]-min)/(max-min)Variation of min and max values:
Using integration:
time[i] -=5*(integral[i]/total)Example:
calibration stays constant with time (see e. g. here.)
=> First method produces double peaks and gives bad resolution (>60ps with trb_calib runs ).
=> The last method is better than second (15 ps vs. 20 ps mean resolution). The picture shows time resolution of trb runs for second(blue) and third method(red) method. For more see here
Example of fit:
2. TOT offsets
Correlation between mean and LE front:
3. TOT walk correction
Examples: before and after
Resolution for picoquant15173222549.hld.root:
4. LE offsets
Correlation between mean and LE front:
5. Event time offset
Distribution of event offsets for different runs: