- DIRC@EIC design; 11 bars; 4x6 MCP-PMT array; 3-layer spherical lens with nlak33
- 3 mm pixels HIQ400, CE=95%
- pions and kaons @ 6 GeV/c; phi = 0
- 0.5 tracking resolution. See track resolution scan for more.
- 100 ps time precision
- geometrical reconstruction with averaged LUT from 15M photons
- GR with per-PMT and chromatic corrections
- 15k tracks for pdf generation (per each particle species); 10k for determining separation
Separation power as a function of radii with reference points for r = [47.8,29.1] (black), [62,36] (red) and [95,50] (blue):
Theta scan for specific radii sets. Photon yield:
Geometrical reconstruction:
Time imaging:
Analysis plots for r = [62,36]: