Hit pattern for different reactions
- geant geometry is synchronized with CAD
- 100k events in each sample
Example of etaprime2300 event:

Hit pattern for bggen (with secondaries) (first and second optical boxes):

Hit pattern for etaprime2300 (only primary tracks) (first and second optical boxes):

Hit pattern for hprime2600 (only primary tracks) (first and second optical boxes):

Hit pattern for hprime2600 (with secondaries) (first and second optical boxes):

Distribution of the radiator hits (etaprime2300):

Distribution of the radiator hits (hprime2600):

Distribution of the radiator hits (hprime2600+secondaries):

Distribution of the radiator hits (bggen):

Detected photons for hprime2600:

Next steps
- add transport efficiency
- check materials
- => reduce number of mcps and check how it affects the photon yield and separation power