Analytical PDFs created using LUT. Updated.
- CERN 2018 sims
- pions/protons @ 7 GeV/c @ 20 deg polar angle
- previous status
- peak normalization; with Cherenkov angle likelihood
- peak position; with forced theoretical Cherenkov angle

Analytical PDF:

Data PDF:

Geometrical reconstruction:

Angle scan:

Peak's position displacement (sim PDF vs analytical PDF) as a function of propagation time. Using forced theoretical Cherencov angle:

Using Cherencov angle from LUT:

Using Cherencov angle from LUT with monochromatic photons:

Using forced theoretical Cherencov angle with monochromatic photons:

With ideal lens. Using Cherencov angle from LUT with monochromatic photons:

Using forced theoretical Cherencov angle with monochromatic photons (GR 8.6 s.d; TI ana 10.7 s.d.):

Using LUT from Cherenkov photons (generated with p/pi @ 20 degree) :